A prominent British playwright, Shaw, Bernard Shaw, a sharp, brilliant satirist who appeared in his fine work, died a year after he was 95 years old. George Bernard Shaw entered the literary world at the end of the last century, when the sharpening of class contradictions was shaking the advanced intellectuals in Britain. Far in his early, passionate criticism, the young George Bernard Shaw had attacked the stereotypes and stereotypes that encircled the English theater, calling on the British theater to turn to live reality. In 1893, George Bernard Shaw’s first play “The London Slums” was performed. This script has been around for more than a hundred years from Sheriod’s satirical comedy The Squish School (1774). In this long time, in Britain, if you do not count on Byron’s “Mystery Drama” and Shelley’s tragedy “Celebrate Qi” - it should almost be poetry rather than drama -