书籍报刊编辑工作这些年来有分工细化的趋势。因为承担编辑工作的任务不同,编辑这行当在主编(总编辑)之下便分出责任编辑、美术编辑、索引编辑等等。 在主编之下,责任编辑是编辑工作的主干。是“具有独立发稿能力、负责具体书稿的组织、审读、整理的正式编辑。”“责任编辑”简称“责编”。《现代汉语词典》(修订本)列有“责编”条目,释义是“责任编辑的简称”。“责编”是名词,报刊上却常常把它作动词用。例如: (1)他继而支持了熊映梧教授的学术研究,责编出版了《熊映梧集》,并为该书写了“序
The work of editing books and newspapers has seen a gradual division of labor over the years. Because of the different tasks entrusted to the editorial work, editing this line in the editor (editor in chief) will be divided into responsible editors, art editors, index editors and so on. Under the editor-in-chief, editor-in-charge is the backbone of the editorial work. Is “an independent manuscript ability, responsible for the specific manuscript of the organization, review, organize the official editor.” “Editor” referred to as “editor.” “Modern Chinese Dictionary” (Revised) listed “editorial” entry, the definition is “Editor’s Abbreviation.” “Editor-in-chief” is a noun, but the newspapers often use it as a verb. For example: (1) He then supported Prof. Xiong Yingwu’s academic research, edited and published “Xiong Ying Wu Ji” and wrote "Preface