【摘 要】
赵瑞超 译 "A bove us only sky" is the airport's slogan. Well, that's good to know, thinks thevisitor, who wonders why the motto sounds like something from a familiar song. And then it comes to him: "Im
随着现代社会生活和工作节奏的加快,人们开始受到各种压力的困扰。有没有应对这些压力的妙策良方呢?本文或许可以给你一些启发。 A re you feeling stressed at work? If so,you are not alone. In Britain, 360 millionworking days are lost each year becauseof illness
NEW ZEALAND The hottest garment of the season is one that went out ofstyle a long time ago. In the past, the corset was an uncomfortable andunhealthy item that took a long time to put on and take off.
They say smiling is infectious, but yawning is evenworse. Some time ago, for a presentation about humanmimicry.I had to find images of people yawning.While googling for pictures, I found myself yawnin
As someone who has never seen the appeal ofearly mornings, I love the arrival each spring of"summer time" or "daylight saving time" (DST).A system that transfers an hour of daylight fromthe slow and s
Looking for a record album by that long-forgotten 1960s group, the 13th-FloorElevators? Or for some kids' books ortoys to have on hand when friends orrelatives come to visit? Maybe you are just hoping
Usa"Taking it to the streets and correcting America, onewell-placed comma at a time":these are the fightingwords of Kate McCulley,also known as "the grammarvandal" in her blog (www.thegrammarvandal.co
器官移植拯救了无数患者的生命,但器官捐献者的队伍仍然不够强大。那么,应不应陔要求每个人在死后捐献出自己的器官呢?英国政府正在为这一问题煞费苦心。 I t's a tragedy that could be avoided: everyyear; more than 400 people in Britain die whilewaiting for a replacement orga
北半球寒冷的冬季已经来临了,而地球另一端却有一片依然阳光灿烂的奇特天地。那里有沙滩和雨林,有群山和绿野,有看不尽的美景、尝不尽的美味,还有享不尽的精彩和刺激。这样神奇的地方非澳大利亚的昆士兰莫属了。迎犹豫什么,快跟我走吧! Y ou can tour Queensland theguidebook way, following thetips in Lonely Planet's