但是,或许是由于“摸着石头过河”的缘故,我们并没有预计到这种发展可能带来的严重负效应,或者说我们没有适时地调整发展模式,特别是我们可能在发展过程之中出现了“效率超重、公平失重”的偏误,导致我们的畅享发展成果的同时,确实面临着许多棘手的“发展问题”。在一些人看来,发展,特别是经济发展似乎就是现代化、也是现代化的终点,他们看重产出,特别是有形的产出,对投入和产出的分配关注甚少,从而导致了严重的环境问题、资源问题、生态问题以及社会问题。比如,我们的经济发展十分迅速,但是我们的社会发展、文化发展却相对严重滞后;我们的工业化发展迅速,但是城市化、服务产业的发展十分滞后(见表),第三产业和城市化水平比国际同水平国家低10-15个百分点;我们的社会财富急剧增加,但社会分配不公,贫富悬殊的问题日益严重,基尼系数由20世纪80年代初的0.25缓慢增加,90年代初为0.3,90年代末急剧扩大为0.45, 2002年为0.48,2003年为0.52,而国际公认的临界点仅仅是0.40;三农问题、城乡问题、区域问题,等等。
Energy Price Shocks and Business Cycles in a Small Open Economy
Shih-Mo Lin Chung Yuan Christian University
This paper modifies a typical real business cycle(RBC)model with indivisible labor by explicitly including energy as a productive input and modeling the relative price of energy as an exogenous random process. In closed models, the production technology of firms is described by alternative specifications, which include Cobb-Douglas, regular CES and nested CES functions, respectively. Our simulation results show that, no matter what production function is, energy consumption and employment are pro-cycle, and oil prices are counter-cycle. When a positive energy price shocks occurs, energy consumption and employment all appear to be negatively affected. Furthermore, in the long run, this shock will cause the employment to rise higher than its initial steady state. From the results of simulation in the open economy model, we find that energy consumption, net exports and employment are pro-cyclical, and oil price is counter-cyclical. When a positive energy price shock happened, it has a negative influence on energy consumption, output, net exports and employment, and a positive influence on investment. When a negative world interest rate shock happened, it has a negative influence on energy consumption, output and employment, and a positive influence on net exports.
East Asia Monetary Cooperation: Progress and Prospects
Lu, Ding
Since the Asian Financial Crisis 1997-98, regional monetary cooperation involving ASEAN + 3 (China, Japan, and South Korea) countries has made important progress, highlighted by the Chiang Mai Initiative (2000), a currency swap agreement among these economies, and the Asian Bond Initiative (2002). Meanwhile, regional economic integration has gained great impetus from the free trade pact between ASEAN and China. This paper reviews the progress of East Asia monetary cooperation and the prospects for such cooperation to move towards greater monetary-finance integration. In particular, we will discuss the pros and cons for the regional economies to form a monetary union as they tear down intra-region trade barriers through free trade agreements. According to the thesis of Optimal Currency Area, cost-benefit analysis of monetary union largely depends on whether the shocks in the union zone are symmetric or not and on the degree of intra-region labour mobility. Economic integration will certainly enhance intra-region specialization as well as factor mobility. It is, however, controversial whether the net effect will make the region more suitable for a monetary union. Based on the review of relevant literature, this paper will present some preliminary empirical evidence and explore the ways of further research.
Developing Energy Security and Cooperation in Asia
Katsuhiko Suetsugu
Secretary General, Asia-Pacific Energy Forum
To enhance the energy security in Asia, it is important to clarify the policy goals for the energy security. China's continuing economic growth and increasing energy demand, increasing oil consumption in the US market are the factors to be considered for the energy security policies. Most of the countries in Asia are importing petroleum from Middle East by ships and transportation by sea-lane, which needs to be secured for the stable economic growth of each member economy. In addition to this, geopolitical, military and diplomatic factors in Asia should be addressed to minimizing the new risks for the energy security in this region.
It is essential that China, Japan, Korea and ASEAN countries would cooperate to create the guideline for the collective energy security in this region including capacity of energy supply, strategic stockpile of oil, formation of market mechanism, and better technology transfer. The risks of climate change resulting from energy-related greenhouse gas emissions and the energy crisis have been overlapping these days. It is mandatory that the policies for energy security need to be designed to reduce each nation誷 emissions of greenhouse gases and protect its natural environment.
Japan would like to contribute Asian energy security by enabling nuclear power to continue to play a meaningful role in meeting future energy needs, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
位于北京东长安街毗邻天安门广场,王府井商业区的长安俱乐部于1993年投资兴建,一直服务于政府高级官员和重要国际友人。1996年正式对外吸纳第一批创始会员, 不到1000组的会藉以固定资产的形式8年中每年都在递增。长安俱乐部是由以管理世界上高级俱乐部而闻名的CCA国际管理集团管理。八年过去了,长安俱乐部已成为京城的首要会议场所、商务运作和建立长期持久合作关系的一座重要桥梁。自从其建成之始,集团董事长,中国首席女富豪陈丽华女士就将其发展方向定位为中国的头号高档商务俱乐部。
但是,或许是由于“摸着石头过河”的缘故,我们并没有预计到这种发展可能带来的严重负效应,或者说我们没有适时地调整发展模式,特别是我们可能在发展过程之中出现了“效率超重、公平失重”的偏误,导致我们的畅享发展成果的同时,确实面临着许多棘手的“发展问题”。在一些人看来,发展,特别是经济发展似乎就是现代化、也是现代化的终点,他们看重产出,特别是有形的产出,对投入和产出的分配关注甚少,从而导致了严重的环境问题、资源问题、生态问题以及社会问题。比如,我们的经济发展十分迅速,但是我们的社会发展、文化发展却相对严重滞后;我们的工业化发展迅速,但是城市化、服务产业的发展十分滞后(见表),第三产业和城市化水平比国际同水平国家低10-15个百分点;我们的社会财富急剧增加,但社会分配不公,贫富悬殊的问题日益严重,基尼系数由20世纪80年代初的0.25缓慢增加,90年代初为0.3,90年代末急剧扩大为0.45, 2002年为0.48,2003年为0.52,而国际公认的临界点仅仅是0.40;三农问题、城乡问题、区域问题,等等。
Energy Price Shocks and Business Cycles in a Small Open Economy
Shih-Mo Lin Chung Yuan Christian University
This paper modifies a typical real business cycle(RBC)model with indivisible labor by explicitly including energy as a productive input and modeling the relative price of energy as an exogenous random process. In closed models, the production technology of firms is described by alternative specifications, which include Cobb-Douglas, regular CES and nested CES functions, respectively. Our simulation results show that, no matter what production function is, energy consumption and employment are pro-cycle, and oil prices are counter-cycle. When a positive energy price shocks occurs, energy consumption and employment all appear to be negatively affected. Furthermore, in the long run, this shock will cause the employment to rise higher than its initial steady state. From the results of simulation in the open economy model, we find that energy consumption, net exports and employment are pro-cyclical, and oil price is counter-cyclical. When a positive energy price shock happened, it has a negative influence on energy consumption, output, net exports and employment, and a positive influence on investment. When a negative world interest rate shock happened, it has a negative influence on energy consumption, output and employment, and a positive influence on net exports.
East Asia Monetary Cooperation: Progress and Prospects
Lu, Ding
Since the Asian Financial Crisis 1997-98, regional monetary cooperation involving ASEAN + 3 (China, Japan, and South Korea) countries has made important progress, highlighted by the Chiang Mai Initiative (2000), a currency swap agreement among these economies, and the Asian Bond Initiative (2002). Meanwhile, regional economic integration has gained great impetus from the free trade pact between ASEAN and China. This paper reviews the progress of East Asia monetary cooperation and the prospects for such cooperation to move towards greater monetary-finance integration. In particular, we will discuss the pros and cons for the regional economies to form a monetary union as they tear down intra-region trade barriers through free trade agreements. According to the thesis of Optimal Currency Area, cost-benefit analysis of monetary union largely depends on whether the shocks in the union zone are symmetric or not and on the degree of intra-region labour mobility. Economic integration will certainly enhance intra-region specialization as well as factor mobility. It is, however, controversial whether the net effect will make the region more suitable for a monetary union. Based on the review of relevant literature, this paper will present some preliminary empirical evidence and explore the ways of further research.
Developing Energy Security and Cooperation in Asia
Katsuhiko Suetsugu
Secretary General, Asia-Pacific Energy Forum
To enhance the energy security in Asia, it is important to clarify the policy goals for the energy security. China's continuing economic growth and increasing energy demand, increasing oil consumption in the US market are the factors to be considered for the energy security policies. Most of the countries in Asia are importing petroleum from Middle East by ships and transportation by sea-lane, which needs to be secured for the stable economic growth of each member economy. In addition to this, geopolitical, military and diplomatic factors in Asia should be addressed to minimizing the new risks for the energy security in this region.
It is essential that China, Japan, Korea and ASEAN countries would cooperate to create the guideline for the collective energy security in this region including capacity of energy supply, strategic stockpile of oil, formation of market mechanism, and better technology transfer. The risks of climate change resulting from energy-related greenhouse gas emissions and the energy crisis have been overlapping these days. It is mandatory that the policies for energy security need to be designed to reduce each nation誷 emissions of greenhouse gases and protect its natural environment.
Japan would like to contribute Asian energy security by enabling nuclear power to continue to play a meaningful role in meeting future energy needs, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
位于北京东长安街毗邻天安门广场,王府井商业区的长安俱乐部于1993年投资兴建,一直服务于政府高级官员和重要国际友人。1996年正式对外吸纳第一批创始会员, 不到1000组的会藉以固定资产的形式8年中每年都在递增。长安俱乐部是由以管理世界上高级俱乐部而闻名的CCA国际管理集团管理。八年过去了,长安俱乐部已成为京城的首要会议场所、商务运作和建立长期持久合作关系的一座重要桥梁。自从其建成之始,集团董事长,中国首席女富豪陈丽华女士就将其发展方向定位为中国的头号高档商务俱乐部。