在影响职工积极性的诸多因素中,分配问题是个重要的因素,这既有分配不身的问题,也有围绕分配的种种认识问题。因此,注意研究和做好分配问题上的思想政治工作,就显得十分重要。利益分配与职工积极性在企业生产和管理中,激发人们积极性与创造性的,不外乎物质的和精神的两种因素。企业的利益分配对于调动职工积极性的意义,主要反映在: 1、合理的利益分配是体现职工主人翁地位的重要内容。职工是企业的主人,企业必须全心全意依靠工人阶级,这是社会主义企业生产关系的重要标志。按照马克思主义理论,生产关系是由生产资料所有制形式、人们在生产中的地位与相互关系、产品分配方式等三个方面构成的。在社会主义
Among the many factors that affect the enthusiasm of staff and workers, the issue of distribution is an important factor. This includes not only the problem of distribution but also the problems of understanding around distribution. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to studying and making ideological and political work on the issue of distribution. Benefit distribution and staff enthusiasm In the production and management of enterprises, to stimulate people’s enthusiasm and creativity, nothing more than the material and the spirit of two factors. The significance of enterprise’s profit distribution to mobilize the enthusiasm of staff and workers is mainly reflected in: 1. Reasonable distribution of benefits is an important part of the employee’s ownership. Workers are the masters of the enterprise. Enterprises must rely wholeheartedly on the working class. This is an important symbol of the productive relations of the socialist enterprises. According to Marxist theory, the relations of production consist of three aspects: the ownership of means of production, the status and interdependence of people in production and the way of product distribution. In socialism