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  I finally arrive in the tulip capital of the Netherlands, Leiden, a 15th century textile city where 1)Rembrandt was born and learned how to paint. It’s where Clusius planted the first tulips in Western Europe and it’s where Holland’s first university was founded, a reward granted by William of Orange for the city’s bravery in battle against his Spanish Catholic oppressors. But I’m here to learn something about tulips, so I make my way to the Hortus Botanicus in Leiden University. Founded in 1590, it’s the oldest botanical garden in the Netherlands and it’s where the Dutch national flower—the tulip—was first cultivated.
  Tulip means “2)turban” and that gives us a clue that the flower didn’t originate in Holland but in the 3)steppes of Central Asia where it still grows as a wild flower. The Persians named it after the 4)Sikh headwear that it resembled. The Turks named it “tülbent”, and the French and Latin intervention corrupted the name to what we affectionately call it as: the tulip.
  The Turks have been cultivating tulips since the 10th century, although it wasn’t until 5)Suleiman the Magnificent ruled a vast 6)Ottoman Empire 600 years later that the flower was given importance, for Suleiman reigned during a golden age of Ottoman power and grandeur, a period in time called the Tulip Age.
  Carolus Clusius was the first director for this garden in the late 1500s. He was credited for cultivating the tulip in Western Europe when he got bulbs from his friend who was an ambassador for the Ottoman Empire. And thanks to the Dutch climate and its chalky sandy soil, the tulip flourished and thus an industry was born.
  The tulip stock market crashed in 1637 because everyone, both rich and poor, was growing tulips and, of course, they lost their unique value. Dealers went bankrupt and the government was forced to send soldiers to control the supply.
  But it’s a love affair that has never gone away for Holland remains the world’s biggest flower exporter, a thriving business which takes place in the Aalsmeer Flower Auction, where $800 million worth of plants are traded each year. The flower auction itself is like a Dutch version of Wall Street, albeit contested with great 7)propriety by local growers and wholesalers bidding for buckets as they are 8)trolleyed into view and shown off. Only 12% of flowers will be sold to Dutch flower shops. The rest are destined for export.
在政治家当中,英国前首相布莱尔属于能塑造时代的那一类型。他毕业干牛津大学,1994年成为英国工党领袖,1997年带领工党结束了保守党此前18年的执政期,也成为英国自1812年以来最年轻的首相。2007年,布莱尔黯然卸任,并于2010年推出了回忆录《A Journey:My PoliticalLife》,记述了英国自黛安娜王妃去世到发起反恐战争这数年间的历史。书中充满了坦率无畏并且不乏嘲讽的细节,记
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不知从何时开始,国人对“旅行”变得又爱又恨。当头脑中那惬意的旅程,渐渐演化为千篇一律的景点、表情相似的游客、走马观花的体验,自然让人意兴阑珊、兴趣索然。更甚者,有人调侃说,现在的中国式旅游就是摇着小旗宣告“到此一游”,是“出访”欧美为中国成为世界上第二大奢侈品消费国出一分力,是到海南的免税店感受一下什么叫门庭若市……  当然,以上种种绝不能说是中国旅游文化之全部,而恰恰相反,正是由于有越来越多的旅
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每个人都有一颗想远行的心。  鲁迅先生说“其实地上本没有路,走的人多了也便成了路。”这句话如果套用在今天的旅游盛况是:其实出游本不是件恼人的事,但是出游的人多了,旅游也便恼人起来。熙攘的人群、拥挤的交通、高昂的票价、简陋的食宿……种种因素越来越束缚我们想起行的双脚。出与不出,游与不游,面对假期的到来,我们竟越发地举棋不定、焦虑不安。  或许,是时候打破我们头脑中固有的思维定势了。要游走四方,不一定