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   2008年6月1日起,我国将全面禁止免费提供塑料袋,提倡民众自备购物袋。因此,继去年“我不是塑料袋”(I’m Not a Plastic Bag)的抢购热潮后,可以预见今年夏天的购物袋还会大吹环保风哦!你准备好私家包包了吗?
  Paper or plastic?
  Neither, thank you.
  That’s what eco-savvy[有见识的]
  consumers are saying these days when they go
  shopping. They’re
  also in favor of BYOB – bring your own bag.
  Some of the bags are plain and simple.
  Others are as
  arty[艺术家气派的] as a
  museum piece. But they all have one thing in common: they’re meant to save trees, oil and the Earth.
  At least that’s the noblest motivation[动机]. But people add other reasons for casting aside paper and plastic. Plastic bags won’t
  stay upright[竖立着] if you leave them alone. The paper ones may tear, sending your groceries[杂货] onto the floor. They all tend to end up as household clutter[混乱].
  Kerri Olivier is a new fan of the reusable[可重复利用的] bag. She’s happy with her most recent purchase. The bag is made of recycled materials, holds a lot of groceries, cleans easily and has handles that are long enough to tote[背负] on her shoulder.
  She also likes the color – blue, with a green apple design. It’s just one of the many stylish bags that have come on the market, trying to appeal not only to shoppers’ environmental sensibilities[意识],
  but their fashion sensibilities as well.
  Yes, you can still get a boring, beige[米色的]
  canvas[帆布] one. But you can also get it in just about any color imaginable, whether solid[纯粹的],
  patterned or adorned[装饰] with clever sayings. You may get them in material made from potato and corn starches[淀粉], or from recycled plastic. If you want to be artistic, you can get a decorate-your-own version at crafts[手工艺] stores.
   Bagging Tips
  Here are some tips on how to become a more eco-friendly shopper:
   Use your own reusable bags and persuade your friends to do the same.
   Put a note on top of your grocery list, reminding
  yourself to take the bag to the market.
   Realize that paper is not necessarily a better alternative[可供选择项]. Trees must be cut down, and paper mills[工厂] can pollute.
   If you belong to an environmental or community
  organization, lobby[游说] to have the plastic bag issue added to the agenda[议程].
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