Plot summary:
On the first day of high school a beautiful girl named Suzumiya Haruhi introduces herself as having "I am not interestedin ordinary humans, any aliens, time travelers, sliders or espers please join me!" Watching her weird behaviour is Kyon a boy who sits in front of Haruhi and is the only person who talks to her. Commenting on Haruhi's joining every club in school and then quitting Kyon unwittingly gives Haruhi an idea to start her own after school club. Thereafter Kyon and several others find themselves literally dragged into the save our world by overloading it with fun Suzumiya Haruhi's Brigade (the S.O.S. Brigade for short).
The main protagonist and the narrator of the story. A first year student at the school and one of the five members of the SOS team. His family consists of a father, mother, and younger sister. Kyon's real name is not known at the moment. Personality-wise, he's a knowledgable and compassionate person on whom the role of Haruhi's overseer is thrusted by others. Although Kyon looks like an ordinary human being, he is considered important by both Koizumi Itsuki's and Nagato Yuki's superior authorities.
●Suzumiya Haruhi凉宫春日
A first year student at the school as well as the head of the SOS team. She is in the same class as Kyon and sits right behind him. Although she is a bright student and has attractive face and figure, she has a self-righteous and arrogant personality. She also lacks general common sense and is difficult to have a conversation with. Haruhi has the power to transform the world but she is not aware of this power and therefore ends up doing this unconsciously.
凉宫春日—— 一年级的学生,同时也是SOS团的团长。和阿虚同班,座位永远在阿虚的后面。是个头脑明晰、容姿端正但个性却是唯我独尊、旁若无人的人。她缺乏一般常识,很难与她沟通。春日拥有不自觉地改变现实的能力,因此也无法不自觉地结束。
●Nagato Yuki长门有希
An ex-member of the literature club who was around when Haruhi secured their room as SOS base. She is devoid of any expression most of the time and has a very high strength. Yuki is actually a humanoid interface. In the beginning, she is often seen wearing glasses but recently she has decided to take it off. Nowadays, she also has less and less interest in contacting the organization in which she belongs as her emotions becoming more humane.
●Koizumi Itsuki古泉一树
A mysterious transfer student who is invited to join the SOS team by Haruhi after he moved into the same school in May, which is an unusual time for students to transfer into a new school. Itsuki has the tendency to smile almost everytime but tends to give out a long and drawn- out explanation. Although he loves playing chess and card, he is quite unskilled at it. Itsuki also has the tendency to present himself in a formal manner.
●Asakura Ryouko 朝仓凉子
A first year student who is actually a backup humanoid interface for Nagato Yuki. Despite her seemingly calm manners, her action turns out to be quite radical. Her existence is eventually terminated by Nagato Yuki and other students simply assume that she has transferred to a school in Canada.
On the first day of high school a beautiful girl named Suzumiya Haruhi introduces herself as having "I am not interestedin ordinary humans, any aliens, time travelers, sliders or espers please join me!" Watching her weird behaviour is Kyon a boy who sits in front of Haruhi and is the only person who talks to her. Commenting on Haruhi's joining every club in school and then quitting Kyon unwittingly gives Haruhi an idea to start her own after school club. Thereafter Kyon and several others find themselves literally dragged into the save our world by overloading it with fun Suzumiya Haruhi's Brigade (the S.O.S. Brigade for short).
The main protagonist and the narrator of the story. A first year student at the school and one of the five members of the SOS team. His family consists of a father, mother, and younger sister. Kyon's real name is not known at the moment. Personality-wise, he's a knowledgable and compassionate person on whom the role of Haruhi's overseer is thrusted by others. Although Kyon looks like an ordinary human being, he is considered important by both Koizumi Itsuki's and Nagato Yuki's superior authorities.
●Suzumiya Haruhi凉宫春日
A first year student at the school as well as the head of the SOS team. She is in the same class as Kyon and sits right behind him. Although she is a bright student and has attractive face and figure, she has a self-righteous and arrogant personality. She also lacks general common sense and is difficult to have a conversation with. Haruhi has the power to transform the world but she is not aware of this power and therefore ends up doing this unconsciously.
凉宫春日—— 一年级的学生,同时也是SOS团的团长。和阿虚同班,座位永远在阿虚的后面。是个头脑明晰、容姿端正但个性却是唯我独尊、旁若无人的人。她缺乏一般常识,很难与她沟通。春日拥有不自觉地改变现实的能力,因此也无法不自觉地结束。
●Nagato Yuki长门有希
An ex-member of the literature club who was around when Haruhi secured their room as SOS base. She is devoid of any expression most of the time and has a very high strength. Yuki is actually a humanoid interface. In the beginning, she is often seen wearing glasses but recently she has decided to take it off. Nowadays, she also has less and less interest in contacting the organization in which she belongs as her emotions becoming more humane.
●Koizumi Itsuki古泉一树
A mysterious transfer student who is invited to join the SOS team by Haruhi after he moved into the same school in May, which is an unusual time for students to transfer into a new school. Itsuki has the tendency to smile almost everytime but tends to give out a long and drawn- out explanation. Although he loves playing chess and card, he is quite unskilled at it. Itsuki also has the tendency to present himself in a formal manner.
●Asakura Ryouko 朝仓凉子
A first year student who is actually a backup humanoid interface for Nagato Yuki. Despite her seemingly calm manners, her action turns out to be quite radical. Her existence is eventually terminated by Nagato Yuki and other students simply assume that she has transferred to a school in Canada.