Nature in Robert Frost’s Poetry

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  【Abstract】Robert Frost was a great poet in American. He not only depicted the nature in his poem, but also expressed his philosophical themes through the depiction of nature. In his poem, nature symbolized the powerful life and conveyed his meditation of the relationship between man and the world.
  【Key words】Robert Frost; nature; poem

1. Introduction

  Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874- January 29, 1963) was an American poet who is highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech. His work employed settings from rural life to examine complex social and philosophical themes. Robert Frost takes the nature as a symbol of man’s relation to the world. F. O. Matthiessen once said “Robert Frost is most interested in showing the human reaction to nature’s process.” (Bridget and Daniel G.1983)

2. Nature in Robert Frost’s poem

  2.1 Power of life in nature
  Robert’s work is landscaped with sunlight, snow, birches, birds, blueberries and squirrels. He has undoubtedly the deep love of nature and “Spring Pools” is such a poem.
  These pools that, though in forests, still reflect/ The total sky almost without defect/ And like the flowers beside them, chill and shiver… To blot out and drink up and sweep away/ These flowery waters and these watery flowers/ From snow that melted only yesterday.
  Traditionally, this poem seemed to show that the week is devoured by the strong. In fact,“Frost sees his New England as a pleasantly normal land of farms and pastures and domestic animals.”(Potter 80) We can feel a sense of harmony, unity, beauty and delicacy which reflects the power of life.
  In the pool, there are sky, earth, flowers, trees and water, which formed a picture that the pool becomes the source of life. But, the water in the pool will disappear soon because it would water the trees and flowers nearby. Although water will disappear, the trees and flowers which represent the power of life can survive and live longer. As the tree grow up, its foliage would shed shade over the flowers. Water flower, flowery waters and dark foliage form an animating and beautiful phenomenon in nature: “winter snows melt into spring pools, which nourish flowers; sap will rise in the trees, utilizing all the moisture its roots can carry up toward trunk and then leaf, until the forest is green.”(Judith Oster. 137-174.)
  2.2 meditations in nature   Nature is regarded as the source of justice, guiding people in the right direction of wisdom and safety. (王诺101-102.) For Frost, nature has provided man a platform for their meditating on their own culture and state in the world, and he often gains the insight into life from nature.
  2.3 “Dust of Snow” is an example,
  The way a crow/ Shook down on me/ The dust of snow/From a hemlock tree/ Has given my heart/ A change of mood/ And saved some part/ Of a day I had rued.
  The speaker was wandering around the countryside with regretful mood until he was cheered by a chance encounter with a crow. “Dust”, “crow” and “hemlock” all carry strong connotations of death. The second stanza reflects a more positive frame of mind, and is therefore free from the negative images contained in the first. However, we can tell that the speaker still feels a little regret – the encounter with nature has only managed to rescue “some” part of his bad day.
  On the superficial level, the speaker’s mood has been changed by the dust of snow. But what made him rueful goes deliberately unmentioned so that scene and change can dominate. Crow and dust usually convey negative associations. Snow is originally white, but the color of dust of snow and man’s associations would be another story. Such a minor thing in nature arouses his feeling towards life, that is everyone has limitedness and will go to dust (death) in the end.

3. Conclusions

  Nature is permanent theme in poetry. One of Robert’s most distinguish features is that he could examine complex social and philosophical themes from his depiction of nature. From nature, he sees the power of life; from nature, he sees the inner side of human; from nature, he leads us to understand the meaning of life in the world.
  [1]Jean C. Stine. Bridget Broderick, and Daniel G. Marowski. Contemporary Literary Criticism[J]. Vol. 26. Detroit: Gale Research, 1983:110-129.
  [2]Potter, James L. Robert Frost Handbook. 2nd edition[M]. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press,1982.
  [3]Judith Oster. Nater and Poetry Toward Robert Frost: The Reader and the Poet[J].1991:137-174.
【摘要】多媒体在高中英语课堂中的应用,转变了传统教学模式,全面培养学生听、说、读、写的能力,本文讲述了多媒体技术运用的原则,重点阐述了在高中英语课堂教学中的优点,通过加强学生学习欲望建立英语语言情境、快速掌握重难点内容,促进高中英语课堂教学效率。  【关键词】多媒体技术;高中英语;课堂教学;优点  【作者简介】郭慧芳(1970-),女,汉族,甘肃武威人,甘肃省武威市第一中学,研究方向:高中英语。 
【摘要】“以学生为中心”的教学理念近些年得到大力推广,信息化时代的发展为教学方式的改进、学习方式的多样化提供了诸多便利。笔者观察到一些教师的教学仍采用满堂灌输的方式,大大降低了教学效果。基于这种状态,笔者对高校英语翻转课堂的改革进行了探究,提出了翻转课堂较传统课堂发生的各种转变,重点在翻转课堂对于学生学习能力的培养方面做了深入研究,同时也对翻转课堂中出现的问题进行了思考。  【关键词】翻转课堂;学
【摘要】从《岳阳楼记》的英文译本中,选出谢百魁和罗经国的这两个具有对比性的英译本加以分析和对比。试从两位译者标题、用词以及句式层面的翻译,探讨作者对译本的把握,以及译本中体现的译者对文化历史方面的翻译理解,同时也映射出译者自己的感悟,也对今后翻译学习有一定的启示。  【关键词】《岳阳楼记》;谢百魁;罗经国;译本对比  一、引言  《岳阳楼记》是北宋文学家范仲淹应好友巴陵郡太守滕子京之请,于北宋庆历
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【摘要】作为世界性的综合体育赛事,2022年冬奥会将是展示我国实力和魅力的重要平台。英语是全球应用最广泛的语言之一,在冬奥会赛事交流中必不可少。本文基于2022年冬奥会英语人才的需求分析,有针对性地提出相应策略,以期重视培养高职院校学生的英语应用能力,提高其跨文化交际能力,展示我国文化风采。  【关键词】冬奥会;英语应用能力;跨文化;策略  【Abstract】 As a worldwide co
【摘要】随着国际交流合作的日益频繁,英语的实用性越来越凸显,对英语学习者提出了越来越高的要求。《普通高中英语课程标准》(2017)把文化意识的培养列入学生核心素养的范畴。文化意识是跨文化交际能力的重要组成部分。高中英语教学中如何在培养学生英语语言综合运用能力的同时培养学生的英语语言文化意识是本文的着眼点。  【关键词】英语教学;词汇;文化意识  【作者简介】赵春亮,永宁县回民高级中学。  【基金项
【摘要】当今大学英语课程在高职院校处于较尴尬的境地,这倒逼了我们要思考课程如何变革。本文着重分析了大学英语课程如何进与退,对高职大学英语课程的改进提出了建议。  【关键词】高职;大学英语  【作者简介】廖莎(1981.11-),女,武汉交通职业学院,硕士研究生,讲师,英语教师,研究方向:英语语言学。  一、目前高职院校大学英语教学现状  英语是一种语言,而语言是交际的工具, 大学英语的教学目标通常
【摘要】定语从句在高中英语语法中的地位举足轻重,它既是重点语法知识,更是难点,深受教师与学生重视。近年来,定语从句考查在高考中持续升温,把握住定语从句“教”与“学”的要点,对于教师和学生而言均是有必要的。句子长短有变,结构繁简不一,把控不易。教师如何抓住教学要点,帮助学生突破定语从句学习重难点,值得一探。本文从四个方面探析英语定语从句的要点教学,以期抛砖引玉,互为借鉴。  【关键词】高中英语;定语
【摘要】现阶段,微课的翻转课堂方式现已在当代教学中获得大规模的普遍运用。微课在翻转课堂中体现的是媒介的价值,是一种新兴的教育资源,两者在当代教育中展现出明显的实践性和有效性。本文将主要围绕我国大学英语教学现状以及翻转课堂的可行性展开分析,并提供具体优化措施以供参考。  【关键词】翻转课堂;大学英语;微课  【作者简介】黄亚萍,苏州市职业大学。  引言  所谓翻转课堂,是一种新兴的教学方式,其关键在
【摘要】大数据时代的到来,对人们的学习和生活都产生了深远的影响,也影响了高等教育英语专业人才的培养目标。本文分析了大数据时代背景下英语专业人才的培养目标,从课程体系、课程条件、授课方式以及实践教学等角度研究了大数据时代英语专业教学改革思路。  【关键词】大数据技术;英语专业人才培养;专业建设改革思路  【作者简介】乔晶,黑龙江财经学院。  【基金项目】黑龙江省教育科学“十三五”规划2019年度重点