急性白血病红细胞ABO血型抗原减弱国内外已陆续有个案报道,但急性白血病分型与红细胞ABO血型抗原减弱之间的相关性研究,至今国内未见有报道。本文报道2例,并复习国内近18年文献报道42例,现分析如下。1 临床资料1.1 本文病例1,患者女,46岁,全身皮肤散在出血点5月,低热1月于1997年12月4日入院。体检:贫血貌,全身皮肤散在出血点,全身浅表淋巴结及肝脾肋下未触及。外周血:Hb90g/L,RBC 3.0×10~(12)/L,WBC 60.4×10~9/L,幼稚细胞0.8,PLT10×10~9/L,骨髓涂片示增生极度活跃,原始细胞(Ⅰ+Ⅱ)65.5%,早幼粒细胞3%,确诊为急性非淋巴细胞白血病(ANLL)M2a型。
The reduction of ABO blood group antigen in acute leukemia RBC has been reported in individual cases at home and abroad. However, the correlation between the acute leukemia type and the weakening of ABO blood group antigen in red blood cells has not been reported in China. This article reported 2 cases and reviewed 42 cases reported in the past 18 years in China. The analysis is as follows. 1 clinical data 1.1 This case 1, the patient female, 46 years old, full body skin scattered in the bleeding point in May, low fever in January on December 4, 1997 admission. Physical examination: anemia appearance, body skin scattered in the bleeding point, the body’s superficial lymph nodes and liver and spleen did not touch the ribs. Peripheral blood: Hb90g/L, RBC 3.0×10~12/L, WBC 60.4×10~9/L, immature cells 0.8, PLT10×10~9/L. Bone marrow smears showed hyperplasia, primary cells ( I + II) 65.5%, promyelocytic 3%, diagnosed as acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) M2a type.