The Cultural Subcommittee of the Council of Culture proposed a “pointer to honorifics.” Until now, it is generally considered that honorific speech is divided into respect language, modest language and solemn language. However, this guideline, the modest language and the solemn language are subdivided into five categories of respecting language, modest language Ⅰ, modest language Ⅱ, polite language and beautification language. Among them, modest language Ⅰ is the object of elevation action. Modest concessions II raise one another by belittling one’s own movements, and can also be used to raise the conversation. In this paper, the two words belonging to the modest language Ⅰ and the modest language Ⅱ are respectively explained by “参 り ま す” and “い ま す す.” The differences between the mode of using humility Ⅰ and mode Ⅱ in actual use and their respective usage .