Analysis of "web celebrity" Phenomenon by Cultural Industry Theory

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  Abstract:In the era of Internet,with the rapid development of science and technology,great changes have taken place in communication media. Network media has become an emerging communication force,and all kinds of web celebritys have sprung up in a rush. The commercialization,standardization and stylization presented by the "web celebrity" phenomenon are the basic characteristics of the cultural industry theory of Frankfurt School. Cultural industry produces cultural goods and cultural capital,and under the new communication environment,it forms a new type of cultural goods -- "web celebrity".
  Key words:cultura industry theory  web celebrity phenomenon  standardization commercialization  entertainment
  The so-called standardization refers to a lack of unique content and style,but suitable for a certain standard,procedure can be done in batch production,mechanical replication. "Web celebrity" is the result of the comprehensive action of the community of interests under the network media environment,such as the network celebrities,the network promoters,the media and the psychological needs of the audience.
  As the Internet becomes more and more popular,the era of broadband brings "Internet celebrities" to a climax,and all kinds of web celebritys emerge in an endless stream. The network operation planning team also emerged as The Times required for the industrial chain of "making network celebrities". The standardization of "Internet celebrities" is actually dictated by the cultural industry in advance by the audience's aesthetic taste and anticipates the popular trend. The commodities of "Internet celebrities" are produced according to the law of reproduction,and they provide a lot of the same things. The surge of cultural commodities and the changes it indicates are actually changes in the form of appearances,but their essence is the same.
  In the phenomenon of Internet celebrities,with the development of new media,the mode of "Internet celebrities economy" has been born. It makes use of the power of capital and media,firmly grasp the psychology of consumers,and develops rapidly at an amazing speed and scale. "web celebrity" has increasingly become an economic commodity that focuses on the public's attention and integrates economies of scale.
  On the whole,Internet celebrities themselves are a commodity. Internet celebrity economy makes people in a state of spiritual pleasure and makes the audience unconsciously influenced by web celebrity to consume. This marketing method caters to the consumer psychology of the audience,weakens the rational value of the audience's consumption,and the entertainment conceals its purpose and induces consumption.   In the era of great pressure,a large number of entertainment demands have been generated,and "web celebrity" is a representative entertainment cultural product. It can also be said that the entertainment of "web celebrity" is the demand of the market,and the most fundamental reason is the psychological appeal of the audience. When killing the fragmented time of boredom,audiences will choose entertainment products that can obtain pleasure in a short time. However,web celebrity presents communication content with short time and stimulating people's senses,which enables the public to find the point of release. In fact,the entertainment and commercial entertainment of "web celebrity" phenomenon is also a kind of market strategy. In order to maximize profits,cultural capital will do whatever it takes to "entertainment for entertainment's sake" to stimulate consumption,while culture is "entertainmentalized" and "entertainment" is "commercialized". Web celebrity,media and capital are well aware of the psychological state of the audience,so that they will create works through the audience's psychology.
  The phenomenon of "web celebrity" is obviously the product of cultural industry,which is standardized,commercialized and entertainment-oriented.On the surface,the existence of these cultural industry products is conducive to the relief of people's feelings,but in essence,the existence of Internet celebrities does not change,and even after returning to reality,it will produce a sense of uneasiness and confusion.
  And "web celebrity" phenomenon in a short time will not decline,and there may be a rise and expansion of the development of the space. When people are in such an environment,they should not be blinded by appearances,but should dialectically look at the influence and significance behind the web celebrity cultural phenomenon. It is undeniable that the rise of web celebrity's popularity,bring you happiness,let people can get some comfort in the fast pace of life,but these wrapped "everyday" became the audience in the heart of ideal world,can make the audience easy to get lost in the web celebrity builds false world,thus affecting the direction of the wind and social values.
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  (作者單位:Qilu University of Technology(Shandong Academy of Sciences)
【摘 要】可视化程序设计实验教学过程中,教师要采用创新的教学方法进行优化设计,提升学生综合学习能力水平,为学生良好学习发展打下坚实基础。本文主要就可视化程序设计实验教学的问题以及教学改革措施详细探究,希望能就实际教学的探究分析为实际教学改革工作的落实起到积极作用。  【关键词】可视化程序;设计实验;教学改革  为能提升可视化程序设计实验教学的质量水平,这就需要在教学创新方面加强重视,以学生为中心创
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【摘 要】“育人”先“育德”,把思政元素与学前教育专业相结合是为了实现立德树人,促进传道授业解惑、育人育才的有机统一,因为思政元素包括思想政治教育的理论知识、价值理念以及精神追求等,可以潜移默化地对学生的思想意识、行为举止产生影响,所以在学前教育专业课程教学中加入思政元素课程,是现代高职院校思想政治教育协同育人发展的必要举措。在此基础上,如何全面推进高职院校学前教育专业加入思政建设课程,实现思想政
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【摘 要】概括介绍国内外对植物根系功能性状研究方向  【关键词】根系功能性状;环境;气候  植物根系通过吸收土壤养分及水分形成了“土壤、植物、大气”的连续体,在生态系统能量流动和物质循环过程中发挥着重要作用,根系的形态结构、大小、分布范围等直接决定着植物对土壤资源的吸收和利用能力。植物根系作为与环境的主动界面,在土壤资源获取和物种相互作用中起着关键作用。  1与土壤之间的关系  植物根系的生长受土
【摘 要】为了提升学生的学习积极性,教师要结合教学要求和具体教学流程匹配更加合理的教学技术方案,从而打造多元科学的课堂体系,激发学生的思维能力和动手能力,其中,虚拟仿真实验技术的应用对于优化物理实验教学具有关键作用。本文分析了物理实验教学中应用虚拟仿真实验技术的意义,并从教学设计、教学模式、教学评价等方面阐释了具体应用方案。  【关键词】虚拟仿真实验技术;物理实验;意义;应用方案  在计算机技术不