这家生物医学研究机构具有里程碑意义,人们对其做出突破性发现寄予很高的期望,但是这座耗资7亿英镑的建筑物是否像宣传的那样精致呢?从伦敦国王十字中心的地面高度望去,弗朗西斯·克里克(Francis Crick)研究所显示出一个奇怪的轮廓——就像翻躺在地的甲虫,一排排金属圆筒在房顶上竖立着,就像甲虫一双双的腿从扁平的银色肚皮上伸出。鳍状装饰由分色镀膜玻璃构成,在晚夏的阳光中发出彩虹般的光芒,犹如深藏在内部
This biomedical research facility is a milestone with high hopes for its groundbreaking discoveries, but is the 700 million pounds building as exquisite as advertised? From the height of the ground at King’s Cross, London Looking, the Francis Crick Institute showed a curious silhouette - like a beetle lying down, rows of metal cylinders erected on the roof, like a beetle Legs protrude from the flat silver belly. Fin-finishes consist of dichroic coated glass that emits a rainbow of light in the sunshine of the late summer, as if deep inside