The Facilitation of Chinese Classics Reading for English Translation Learning

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  【Abstract】:Language learning is closely connected with cultural accumulation, as well as learning English translation. How to use more appropriate words to translate English into Chinese or translate Chinese into English, not only embodies language skills of translators in both Chinese and English, but also reflects the degree of the translator's understanding of the two cultural backgrounds. Combined with his work experience, the author is going to elaborate the significance of Chinese classics reading in translation of English and introduce the specific methods of reading learning from the difficulties of translation learning and application in this paper. Hoping to bring different inspiration to development of translation.
  【Key words】: Chinese; Classics Reading; Translation; Learning
  With the development of economy, the degree of the connection between Chinese society and international community is continually increased; therefore, English plays a more vital role in economic field, on the other hand, it also plays a more and more important role in cultural field. In reality, reading classics not only enhances translators’ cultural and literary knowledge, but also helps them to find more Chinese artistic conception for the English.
  1.Difficulties in English Translation
  English translation needs to be faithful, expressive and elegant, but there are always difficulties in translation study.
  1.1 Difficulties English comprehension
  In reality, translators usually have confusions in understanding the original English or Chinese text, in other words, while understanding the literal meaning but difficult to refine the essence of deeper meaning. Generally, difficulties in understanding English due to the lack of English expression ability, while difficulties in understanding Chinese text refer to the short of Chinese classic culture or of modern semantic, which derived from the discrepancies of structure, expression and culture in the two language
  1.2Difficulties in language equivalence transformation
  In the process of translation, even if translators have had a deep analysis of the original text, it is also hard to translate it complete appropriately that because of the equivalence theory between two languages. Since the structures and vocabularies between English and Chinese are not equivalent, instead of literal translation translators should look for the words that accord with Chinese expressing convention, such as using classic line to achieve semantic equivalence, which make some translators are trapped in lacking of cultural reserve.   1.3Difficulties in cultural background
  With the development of translation, cultural background becomes increasingly important for translation. Lin Yutang asserts that the task of translation is, after fully understanding the original, expressing the original text with most similar words in target language. In current cultural exchanges, many excellent works of classical literature in China is difficult to be accepted by foreigners, of which one of the main reasons is translators’ lack of cultural background.
  2.The Importance of Chinese Classic Reading in English Translation and Training Methods.
  Nowadays, using the most appropriate Chinese idioms or classic line to express original English is an important measure of translation standards, which must strengthen the training of translators read Chinese classics.
  2.1 The role of Chinese classics in translation learning
  There is no doubt that strengthen reading and memory of Chinese classics, translators can increase their accumulation of Chinese culture, as well as, enhance the accuracy of the translation. Moreover, reading a large number of Chinese classics can increase translators’ understanding of original text and helps translators to choose accurate words according to the translation purpose and circumstance during their translating process. Most importantly, improving translators’ understanding of Chinese classic culture via reading and learning classics facilitates the internationalization of China's translation career, which helps to achieve Chinese culture to go abroad and promote the two-way development of economy and culture.
  2.2 The interactive mode of English translation study and reading Chinese classics
  For English translation study, apart from English accumulation translators should read Chinese classics as well. First at all, choosing appropriate classics to broaden knowledge reserve. Then strengthening the corresponding translation exercises, for example, selecting appropriate classic sentence to exercise Chinese-English translation and strengthening the memory of specific statements. The most importantly, increasing the memory of the classic line and the frequency of use by translating Chinese famous masterpieces achieve the promotion of English translation standard.
  Apart from that, translators can use the exiting translation works of the classics to examine their own translation ability. On the base of principle of relevance and pragmatic equivalence theory, translators can establish different translation perspectives that fully achieve the match of two different languages. For instance, the original sentence“Every time I come back from a business trip it makes a new man.” according to literal translation that means“我每次做完生意回家就像重活了一次。” However it can be translated into “如果按照直譯就是我每次做完生意回家都有耳目一新的感覺”, which is closer to the original English meaning.
  3. Conclusion
  Overall, English translation is not an isolated language study, but based on mutual learning in multiple languages. Chinese classics play an important role in English translation. More importantly by internationalization of English translation of Chinese culture to promote the comprehensive development of Chinese society.
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