不敢言登,因为翻越这座有名的大山时,我们借助的是汽车的脚力。 六盘山因一位伟人的诗《清平乐·六盘山》而蜚声海内外。据说六盘主峰高达2900多米,巍峨挺拔,兀立云端,可谓高矣。然而,当我们的“坐骑”冲破夜幕,于黎明时分一头扑向她的怀抱时,感觉却是别样的一番情致。 时在初夏,隔窗远眺,迎面而来的是一幅朦胧于晨曦之中色彩绚丽柔和秀美的风景画,使人想起了江南。车在走,山也走,眼前的一切都处于变化之中。乍看,山似乎说不上高,也说不上险,但却绿得出奇,绿得深沉,绿得博大,绿得层次分明,绿得很有精神,便觉心也被弄得绿格盈盈了。继而再瞧,
Not dare to say, because when crossing the famous mountain, we use the car’s foot force. Liupanshan is famous both at home and abroad for the poem “Qingping Le Liupan Mountain” by a great man. It is said that the main peak of the Liupanshan up to more than 2900 meters, towering tall and straight, Wu Li Cloud, described as high men. However, when our “horse” broke through the night and threw himself into her arms at dawn, it felt a different kind of affection. In early summer, overlooking the windows, oncoming is a hazy dawn among the colorful and beautiful scenery, reminiscent of the South. The car is walking, the mountains are walking, everything in sight is in the process of change. At first glance, the mountain does not seem to be as high or as dangerous as it is, but the green is surprising, the green is deep, the green is vast, the green is well-structured, the green is very energetic, and the heart is also confused. Then look again,