有女莫嫁大岭山,吃水也要打算盘; 出门三步山坡陡,红薯玉米度三餐。这就是邹存亮的家乡恭城瑶族自治县西岭村大岭山屯20年前的真实写照, 山多地少,土地贫瘠,乡亲们只能在石缝里栽种红薯、玉米和高粱等山地杂粮充饥,喝的是石坑里的积水,连下山读书的几岁娃仔,也要在放学时从一公里外的山脚顺带两桶水上山,生活异常艰辛。为了吃水方便,父辈们在上世纪60 年代末到80年代中期陆续搬下山脚的柏木坪。生存环境的初步改善后,农村经济体制改革的到来,也让他们吃上了白花花的米饭,喝上了清洁的井水。但是离走向富裕,奔向小康还是很远啊!
Do not marry Da Ling Shan Mo, draft also intend to dish; go three steps steep slopes, sweet potato corn three meals. This is the hometown of Zou Cunliang Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County Xiling Village Dalingshan Tuen 20 years ago, a true portrayal of mountainous land less barren land, folks can only planted sweet potatoes in the rock, corn and sorghum and other mountain grains to eat, Drink is the pit of water, even a few years down the mountain reading baby, but also from school at a mile away from the foot of the mountain with two barrels of water up the mountain, life exceptionally difficult. In order to facilitate the draft, fathers in the late 1960s to the mid-1980s moved one after another Kashiwagi Ping. After the initial improvement of the living environment, the arrival of the reform of the rural economic system has also allowed them to eat sumptuous white rice and drank clean well water. However, away from the rich, toward well-off or far ah!