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  Abstract:This paper aims at conducting the external express manners and the intercultural analysis to find out any differences of the view and manner of making friends between Chinese's and foreigners'. This paper get analysis the reason why the views have been formed, the specific express manners, as well as the effect to the real life by comparing numerous cases in order to explore the further diversity between the two cultures.
  Key words: making friends, contrastive analysis, cross-cultural communication.
  The Comparison of the Perspectives of Making Friends between Chinese and Foreigners
  Ⅰ. The Purpose of Study
  The communication is an important aspect of human behavior indeed rather than an only defined term in our mind. Misunderstanding always happens between China and foreign countries. This paper aims at conducting the external express manners and the intercultural analysis to find out any difference of the view and manner of making friends between Chinese's and Westerners'.
  Ⅱ. The Comparison of Environment
  People get different sense of worth and world, the cognitive style and s series of rules and regulations because they live in different society which owns various kinds of culture. Culture forges and shapes the individual communication. In this section, some factors will be compared.
  A The Geographical Environment
  The geographical position that China located in determined that China would be an agricultural nation from the ancient times. So the relationship between people is based on the blood relationship. However, the western countries are located around the ocean. That is why westerners carry out the individualism and the parallel relationship.
  B The Received Education
  The education here refers to the religion or philosophy which can effect human's idea. The collectivism or the individualism, the caste system or parallel relationship can be formed with the affection of the philosophy that belongs to one country.
  C The Views to Selves
  In China, if someone does not do like that, he or she must be regard as having no sense of shame. From this point we can explain why Chinese emphasize the face and most of them are good at the face-work. In the western countries, the humanism means universal love, which loves all uniformly.
  Ⅲ. The Comparison of Making Friends
  A The Manner
  In China, the guests will order the dishes rather than let the host or the guest of honor do this kind of things. Americans prefer to express themselves directly with the communication rules. Moreover, the Americans protect their privacy carefully, even the closed friend. Germans are only not good at express their emotion. Whereas, they think highly of their old friends and old friendship, and they look down upon the person who breaks faith with his friend.
  B The Attitude
  According to Jia Yuxin's perspective, the friendship can be divided into three kinds just like the affectivity-based relationship, instrumental type of relationship, the mixed relationship. We can find out that the Chinese interpersonal relationship is inclined to the first one and the third one, while the western interpersonal relationship is inclined to the second one.
  C The Perspective
  When we talk about the friend, there are many kinds of understanding ways from various points of views in different countries.
  1. from the Range
  It means a person can give help and care, as well as the emotion support in China. A friend can be regarded as an acquaintance because of some reasons gotten known. However, the friendship is built on the same ideal and sense of worth in foreign countries, especially in western countries.
  2. from the Level of Firm
  As we have mentioned, the Chinese friendship can be lasted for long time as the long time of making a friend. In other countries, it is easy to make a friend, however, it is easy to forget s friend, too. If the environment has been changed, the friendship would be change quickly.
  3. from the Sense of Worth
  Chinese people think that there is no secret between friends. Foreigners never ask their friends about the intimate problems such as the age, income, health, etc. When they have dinner together, they will pay for themselves at most occasions.
  Ⅳ Effect of Different Views
  A To the Foreign Students in China
  The most of foreign students in China adhere to their own culture when they are still in foreign countries; therefore, they confuse to communicate with Chinese schoolmates. Generally, their life will become full of pressures and worriment. The differences of language and culture make the daily life more and more difficult than before. And they may be antagonistic and disbelieve the host country's people.
  B To the Abroad Students in Foreign Countries
  The attitudes of Chinese abroad students' enculturation can be divided into three kinds. The first one is fawning on foreign powers, which accepting others' culture without analyzing. The second one is getting the culture essence both from China and foreign counties. The third one is hold their ground of the Chinese culture, while they are unwillingly to accept the foreign countries' culture.
  Through the comparison of perspective of making friends we find that the differences really exist and can not be changed, hence, it is normal that the culture shock exist between Chinese and foreigners, as well as the misunderstanding.
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  作者简介:李卉(1985.5-),女,汉族,山西太原人,山西财经大学经贸外语学院 2009级研究生,主要研究方向:英语教育。
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