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Perfect performance of economy and emissions make hybrid powertrain used more widely, but frequent engine start may affect vehicle’s driveability. In order to obtain how to improve hybrid vehicle’s driveability, Audi A6 Hybrid which is equipped with a P2 powertrain with two engine start modes: conventional start with a 12 V starter and hybrid start with a high-voltage motor, is evaluated under several driving situations with frequently-used criteria. Test results show Audi A6 Hybrid can gain perfect driveability in all engine start situations. Avoiding to start engine frequently in some special situations, suitable choice of engine start modes, compensating driver’s request torque by down-shifting gear or increasing the traction motor torque, and maneuver sequences of K0 clutch are all helpful to obtain perfect driveability for Audi A6 Hybrid. Perfect performance of economy and emissions make hybrid powertrain used more widely, but frequent engine start may affect vehicle’s driveability. In order to obtain how to improve hybrid vehicle’s driveability, Audi A6 Hybrid which is equipped with a P2 powertrain with two engine start modes: conventional start with a 12 V starter and hybrid start with a high-voltage motor, which is evaluated under several driving situations with frequently-used criteria. Test results show Audi A6 Hybrid can gain perfect driveability in all engine start situations. Avoiding to start engine frequently in some special situations, suitable choice of engine start modes, compensating driver’s request torque by down-shifting gear or increasing traction electric torque, and maneuver sequences of K0 clutch are all helpful to obtain perfect driveability for Audi A6 Hybrid.
【摘要】 以学生为课堂的主体,营造学生积极参与,有利于实现知识与技能、过程和方法、情感态度与价值观的和谐统一,注重知识内化和输出,探究课堂教学活动策略,从根本上提高教学质量。  【关键词】 教师引导 学生主体 活动 积极参与 效率 策略  【中图分类号】 G424【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1006-5962(2012)10(a)-0110-01  面对新《英语课程标准》,全新的
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Everybody knows that Brazil won the World Cup in2002 in Japan.But do you know who helped Brazil football team win it?It was Ronaldo Everybody knows that Brazil
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