根接是利用根作砧木,将栽培品种嫁接在根上的一种方法。根接主要在休眠期进行,只要接穗没有萌芽,可以一直接到4月份。根接法可以充分利用苗木出圃后在苗圃中遗留下来的大量根群来代替砧木,提高砧木的繁殖系数,加大繁殖数量,缩短育苗时间,具体方法简述如下: 秋季苗木出圃后,选直径在1厘米以上的一年生根,截成10-15厘米的根段,每段砧根上要带有几条小须根。如果没有须根应加大长度,并
Root access is the use of roots for rootstocks, the cultivars grafted on the root of a method. Root then mainly in the dormant period, as long as there is no sprout scion, you can have been received in April. The root connection method can take full advantage of the seedling nursery after the nursery out of a large number of roots to replace the rootstocks to improve the stocking coefficient of rootstocks to increase the number of propagation and shorten the nursery time, the specific method is as follows: In 1 cm above the root of a year, cut into 10-15 cm root segment, each anvil root to be with a few small roots. If there is no need to increase the length of the root, and