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智力因素一般是指人类在认识,理解事物中所具有的感知力,它包括观察力,记忆力,想象力,思维判断力等。非智力因素是智力因素以外的心理因素(意向活动因素),这个概念的内涵不够确定,其外延也很广泛。我们通常研究的非智力因素主要是指学生动机,兴趣,情感,态度,意向,毅力,性格,习惯,方法,环境,身体素质等。在各级各类学校中,普遍存在这样一个事实,一些学生的智力比较高,但缺乏学习的自觉性和克服困难的毅力,其考试成绩往往滞留在中等或中下等;而有些智力稍差一点的学生,有较强的进取心和不屈不挠的意志,考试成绩也可占居上等或名列前茅。这就启发我们:在掌握数学知识的过程中,智力因素显然不是成功的唯一条件,甚至不是决定性的因素.一些心理学家几十年的追踪研究也表明:“突出人才和平庸者之间最显著的差异,并不限于智力水平的高低,而且决定于自信心,坚持性及自制力等非智力因素的优劣。” Intelligence factor generally refers to the perception power that human beings have in understanding and understanding things. It includes observation power, memory power, imagination power, and thinking power. Non-intellectual factors are psychological factors other than intellectual factors (intentional activity factors). The connotation of this concept is not definite, and its extension is also very extensive. The non-intelligence factors we usually study mainly refer to students’ motivations, interests, emotions, attitudes, intentions, perseverance, personality, habits, methods, environment, and physical fitness. In all types of schools at all levels, there is a common fact that some students have relatively high intelligence, but lack the awareness of learning and perseverance to overcome difficulties, and their test scores tend to stay in the middle or middle and lower grades; Some students have strong motivation and indomitable will, and test scores can also be ranked first or top. This inspires us: In the process of mastering mathematics knowledge, the intelligence factor is obviously not the only condition for success, not even the decisive factor. Some psychologists’ follow-up research for decades also shows: “The most prominent among talents and mediocrities. Significant differences are not limited to the level of intelligence, but also depend on the strengths and weaknesses of non-intelligence factors such as self-confidence, persistence and self-control."
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