
来源 :北京林业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:opentv2007
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对白皮松种子及球果16项形态特征指标的研究发现,各指标在同一种源不同单株间差异不大,而不同种源之间除种子长度外差异均达显著或极显著水平.球果高和单个球果重量表现出同经度下的南北变异;种子厚度、球果高径比和每球果种子数则表现为同纬度下的东西变异;球果宽度和种皮所占比例则又表现为西南东北向变异;种子及球果的颜色、每球果种鳞数、千粒重等则无明显的地理变异趋势.它们似与太阳辐射量、生长期的长短、1月平均温度及海拔高度等多因子有关. The results of 16 morphological traits of Pinus bungeana seeds and cones showed that there was no significant difference in each index among different plants of the same source, but significant differences were found between different provenances except the seed length. The height of cones and the weight of individual cones showed the same north-south variation with the same longitude. The seed thickness, the ratio of height to diameter of cones and the number of seeds per ball showed variation at the same latitude. The width of cones and the proportion of seed coat But also showed the northeast to southwest variation; the color of seeds and cones, the number of seeds per ball and the number of thousand kernel weight and so no obvious geographical variation trend. They seem to be related to the amount of solar radiation, the length of the growing season, the average temperature in January and the altitude and many other factors.
在IPEX 2010上,网屏公司正式推出世界首款彩色B2幅面单张纸喷墨数码印刷机Truepress JetSX,当时这种B2幅面的单张纸喷墨数码印刷机尚未真正实现商品化;而在drupa2012上,网屏
为了有效推介2014华南国际标签印刷展览(Labelexpo South China2014).组织更多、更专业的观众参观展览会,展会主办单位——塔苏斯展览集团于1O月21日、22日、23日上午,分别在上海
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield