Nitrate induction triggers different transcriptional changes in a high and a low nitrogen use effici

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snelgar
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In higher plants, NO3 can induce its own uptake and the magnitude of this induction is positively related to the external anion concentration. This phenomenon has been characterized in both herbaceous and woody plants. Here,different adaptation strategies of roots from two maize(Zea mays L., ZmAGOs) inbred lines differing in nitrogen use efficiency(NUE) and exhibiting different timing of induction were discussed by investigating NO3 ‐induced changes in their transcriptome. Lo5 line(high NUE) showing the maximum rate of NO3 uptake 4 h after the provision of 200 mmol/L NO3 treatment modulated a higher number of transcripts relative to T250(low NUE) that peaked after 12 h. The two inbred lines share only 368 transcripts that are modulated by the treatment with NO3 and behaved differently when transcripts involved in anion uptake and assimilation were analyzed. T250 line responded to the NO3 induction modulating this group of Researchgenes as reported for several plant species. On the contrary,the Lo5 line did not exhibit during the induction changes in this set of genes. Obtained data suggest the importance of exploring the physiological and molecular variations among different maize genotypes in response to environmental clues like NO3 provision, in order to understand mechanisms underlying NUE. In higher plants, NO3 can induce its own uptake and the magnitude of this induction is related related to the external anion concentration. Here, different adaptation strategies of roots from two maize (Zea mays L., ZmAGOs) inbred lines differing in nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and exhibiting different timing of induction were discussed by investigating NO3 -induced changes in their transcriptome. Lo5 line (high NUE) showing the maximum rate of NO3 uptake 4 h after the provision of 200 mmol / L NO3 treatment modulated a higher number of transcripts relative to T250 (low NUE) that peaked after 12 h. The two inbred lines share only 368 transcripts that are modulated by the treatment with NO3 and behaved differently when transcripts involved in anion uptake and assimilation were analyzed. T250 line responded to the NO3 induction modulating this group of Researchgenes as reported for several plant species. On the co ntrary, the Lo5 line did not exhibit during the induction changes in this set of genes. Obtained data suggest the importance of exploring the physiological and molecular variations among different maize genotypes in response to environmental clues like NO3 provision, in order to understand mechanisms underlying NUE .
摘 要:本研究从过程写作法流程的分析入手,阐述写作教学过程经历触发、收集资料、草稿、评改和编辑五个阶段。评改作文是写作过程的核心阶段,教师反馈和同伴反馈都有利于提高学习者对习作内容的深入思考,写作教学中心环节重在培养学生评改作文的能力,在写作过程中提高学习者的语言认知能力。  关键词:过程写作法;评改;反馈  前言  写作训练是开拓学生创新思维的有效途径。过程写作法重视写作过程所有环节的全部学习
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