The Original Mission of Culture

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  【1】Cultural communities around the world may feel estranged towards each other or they may interact with each other, depending on whether or not they maintain a strong presence in one another’s cultural locale. Buddhist scriptures may seem to have driven Xuan Zang’s odyssey to India, but what turned out more important is that he established a powerful presence in a crucial cultural locale—the origin of Buddhism. Such inalienable links with its place of birth, therefore, become part of the entire scripture text.
  【2】The eighteenth century saw the first ever large-scale encounter between Chinese and European civilizations. At the time, they didn’t understand each other well, but in comparison, Europe had the advantage of being present in China’s cultural locale earlier and in a more proactive way, evidenced in the correspondences by French Jesuit missionaries or the diaries by George Macartney, first British emissary to China. As a result, European civilization fared well in subsequent conflicts. On the contrary, hearsay had long been a source of information for China to learn about Europe. Small wonder that the Chinese, led by their risible assumptions, jumped into negotiations and played into the hands of the other party, while being made a laughingstock.
  【3】We have yet to see a really influential intellectual, in both East and West, who doesn’t go out of his way and brave fatigue and hardships to champion peace and friendship of humankind. Amid a complexity of world affairs, intellectuals use forums and podiums to build conceived harmony; with our minds becoming increasingly unsettled, they seek to soothe the restless and agitated society with their books and lectures.
  【4】Contentions among intellectuals are not rare, for sure, but they eventually boil down to the question of finding the more effective approach to building a stable and harmonious society. Even in the 21st century, this still rings true among the supreme of our cultures.
  【5】I can remember that when World War II drew to an end, in some severely devastated, debris-littered European cities, concerts were already staged in music halls in dire need of renovation, attracting distressed and displaced people in tatters. The sacred and pure music lifted their spirits. They walked out reinvigorated, not the fatigued, wretched people they used to be. Europe took heart from these people when it managed to get back to its feet steadily. This is unforgettable for me, as it shows once again how cultures, in the wake of a war, delivered on its original mission.
  【6】Cultures are on an eternal quest to seek and pray for a world free of harm. In case any harm is unfortunately done, cultures take the initiative to redress it. Even after the world is rehabilitated, cultures commit themselves to follow-up visits, coping with the aftermath, and preventing reoccurrence of it.
译例1:  【原文】及长,爱花成癖,喜剪盆树。识张兰坡,始精剪枝养节之法,继悟接花叠石之法。  【译文】As a young man I was excessively fond of flowers and loved to prune and shape potted plants and trees. When I met Chang Lan-p’o he began to teach me
傅聪、傅敏兄弟二人,一在伦敦,一在北京,相隔万里,却同时在世纪疫情里困居家中。我在香港遥忆故交,除了分别致电问候,得知他们现都安好之外,不由得想起了40年前他俩风华正茂时,与他们初次相遇相识的情景。  1980年旧历大年初一,我从巴黎前往伦敦,为了撰写有关傅雷的博士论文去访问傅聪。那时傅敏恰巧也在英国。记得那天很冷,他们住的那条街相当僻静,是个高级住宅区,记不清是哪个方向了,只记得他们家坐落在一个
顾问委员会(姓氏拼音序,下同)  柴明颎 上海外国语大学教授  陈国华 北京外国语大学教授  辜正坤 北京大学教授  黄友义 中国翻译协会常务副会长、教育部MTI教指委主任  连真然 四川省翻译协会副会长  刘士聪 南开大学教授  许 钧 中国翻译协会常务副会长、浙江大学教授  仲偉合 中国翻译协会常务副会长、澳门城市大学教授  评审委员会  主任评委  林 巍 博士,杭州师范大学特聘教授  终审
Still hungry, Rachet ran all the way to the tire and dove in.   She turned as smoothly as flowing water, lifted her head, and breathed in deeply. The Roxville Cats were each back in their First Homes.
【1】很少人会反对,短短数十载现代社会已然发生巨变。其变化体现在各个不同方面。可举之例有:可支配收入增长、消费品和服务大增、个人流动性提高、休闲支出增加和日常家务时间减少。  【2】我们可以强调日益复杂的知识库带来的技术效率提升,或现代消费模式越来越多的资源“足迹”,或贸易的集约化,或传统农村产业的衰落,或制造业向发展中国家转移,或“知识”经济的出现。  【3】我们当然应该指出,这些变化伴随且有时
【编者按】本文内容节选自新华社译审王季良先生的翻译笔记。作者从其翻译外刊的实践中选取例句,配以地道的中文翻译,有时辅以适当说明,指津点要,陈说翻译难点。本刊认为,这些翻译点滴对学习翻译者大有裨益,特刊发以飨读者。  1. in the liquid-coal pipeline  In China, there is about $ 25 billion worth of investments c
【1】很少有人会否认,仅仅数十年间,现代社会就已发生了巨大变化。变化可能表现在诸多不同方面,譬如,可支配收入增长、消费品与服务供应大规模增加、个人出行能力提高、休闲开支增多,以及日常家务时间减少。  【2】可能值得注意的是,日益复杂的知识领域带来的技术效率的提高、现代消费模式留下的不断增加的资源“足迹”、贸易交往的加强、传统乡村产业的衰落、制造业向发展中国家的转移,以及“知识”经济的兴起。  【3
【1】 The effectiveness of cross-cultural communication between communities in the world may also be enhanced by being each other’s cultural sites. Xuanzang (602–664), for instance, went on a pilgrimage
Ant Forest, a green initiative by the world’s leading payment and lifestyle platform Alipay, received the “U.N. Champions of the Earth” award in September.   The award is the United Nation’s highest e