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  Hotel Indigo is the high-end boutique hotel brand under the InterContinental Hotels Group PLC (IHG), which now has opened 69 hotels around the world, and those includes five hotels in Shanghai, Tianjin, Xiamen, Lijiang and Hong Kong. You will know immediately which city you have lived in as you enter any Indigo hotels, and that is the spirit of the Indigo brand: there won't be two same leaves in the world, the same is that there won't be two same Indigo hotels.
  Understanding the City Culture Through the Hotel
  作为新加坡首家,东南亚第二家英迪格酒店选址于新加坡首个遗产保护小镇,酒店将建筑和设计与加东如切地区多彩斑斓的娘惹文化相结合,无论是陈设的艺术品、餐厅供应的当地特色餐饮、被重新改造的保护建筑、更到房间内的细小器皿,每个设计元素都刺激你上街去逛逛的欲望。前台背景墙的艺术壁画灵感源于旧时娘惹人家爱用的彩色陶瓷碎片,电梯厅堆到天花板上的大水瓮颇有波普艺术风格,公共客厅的角落迷你版的“mama stall”再现了娘惹人家楼下的小杂货店,客房墙上的壁画生动描绘着里邻里间的闲适生活。
  As the first in Singapore and the second in the southeast of Asia, this Indigo hotel resides at theheart of the Katong neighborhood of JooChiat, the first designated Heritage Town of Singapore. The hotel combine the colorful charm of the strong Peranakan cultural roots in everything, you can see it in the artwork, the local specialty cuisine offered by the restaurant, the renovated protective building, and the small utensils in the room, and these are all stimulus that make you want to go to the real street. There are art mural on the back wall of the front desk is inspired by the colorful ceramic mosaic used by the Peranakan culture, the Pop art inspired big water tank on the ceiling of the elevator hall, and the mini version of mama stall by the corner of the public living room that is a representation of the small grocery store in the old neighborhood, and the wall painting in the rooms show the leisure life style of the olden days.
  Have a Relationship with the City by Collecting Its Cuisine
  探访一个城市的最好入口便是品尝道地美食。大堂一侧是玻璃盒子一样的公共客厅,后面连接着一栋老建筑,这里便是酒店的全日餐厅Baba Chew,它是由昔日的如切警察局改造而成。对历史建筑最好的利用莫过于赋予其现代的功能还能时刻感受其往日风情,英迪格深谙其道。这里不仅供应LASKA这类传统美食,还出品黑果焖鸡等西式餐点;能喝到本地品牌Common Man Coffee Roasters的手调咖啡、TWG泡制的各式混茶,夜幕降临后这里更是附近最热情的酒吧。
  The best way to fully explore a city is through its local cuisine. By the side of the lobby is the glass box-like public living room, and behind it is an former police station building, which hosts the all day restaurant BABA CREW. The best way to utilize a historic building is to bestow it modern functions while retaining its historic atmosphere, and this is the art specialized by Indigo brand. The guest can not only enjoy local food like LASKA, but also western food like Ayam Buah Keluak, also enjoy a cup of pour-over coffee from the local brand of Common Man Coffee Roasters, various mixed teas from TWG, and experience it as the most passionate bar after the night falls.   打开门可以小但不能不美
  Small but always Stunning
  The hotel rooms in Singapore are mostly extremely limited in space, just like Hong Kong, so it is understandable to not have a bathtub, however, the room still accommodates a three-people sofa and a game table, a big surprise indeed. Upon entering the guestroom, a small bathroom is on the left side with a toilet and a wash basin, and you will wonder where the shower room is? By the wall to floor windows stands a colorful chair from a Spanish female designer, the balcony floor is again inspired by Peranakan culture's ceramic mosaic. You can also see all sorts of retro elements here, the leg of the sewing machine as the washbasin, spittoon as the bin, enamel washbowl as footbath basin, and the white enamel tea cup as a mouth wash cup. And finally a shower room was hidden behind the washbasin. And downstairs is a villa of no more than three floors, all for you to take a shower the way you like without restraint.
  The minibar is inside a standalone showcase, and there is a glass jar full of candies prepared by the hotel. You can also find TWG tea bags, local coffee with coffee maker. A good mini bar is like this, the kettle is well plugged, and the steam produced will not confuse you due to a lack of ventilation. And when you sit down, on the game table there are welcome cards and notes, and the mug custom made and printed with the local ceramic pattern, there are all these small surprises, along with the fresh fruit basket sent by the waiter, a hand-drawn map to remind you that perhaps you would like to start your day by exploring the city.
  Enjoy the Good Old Days Like the Locals Do
  If along the journey, you are tired of the Internet celebrities taking selfies on the top floor of Marina Bay Sands, and already had your good times on the Orchard Road, why not visit Indigo Hotel, immerse yourself on the rooftop infinity pool, and enjoy two days of leisure here.
在日益挑剔的住客口中,传颂着这样一些酒店,它们的存在绝不只是扮演人们商务或旅行途中的休憩驿站,更是联结时尚、艺术、美感与格调的优雅所在。TA像一位你深切信赖的友人,为你守护着一处温暖的“家外之家”,也是深谙你品位与喜好的生活家,令你每每至此都身心愉悦,更加爱上周遭的一切。  Among the seasoned hotel dwellers, there are certain hotels th
华尔道夫希尔顿酒店是一家坐落在伦敦西区的地标性酒店,是一座拥有丰富文化内涵、传奇色彩、恒久建筑与深厚历史的奢华酒店,完美结合伦敦闻名遐迩的历史与文化及21世纪的繁华。  The Waldorf Hilton, London is located in the capital's vibrant West End. This luxury hotel has rich culture, timele
杰里米·金和克里斯·科宾联手创立的第一家酒店博蒙特栖身于一幢二级保护建筑中,建筑由20年代红透半边天的建筑师Wimperis & Simpson主理,落座伦敦梅菲尔腹地。酒店由伦敦知名的Corbin & King餐馆旗下的著名Wolseley欧式餐馆业主经营。内部灵感取材于其所在的建筑体及周边环境,栩栩再现战前梅菲尔的优雅、魅力和个性化待客之道,还原了独特、丰富的当代美学。  The Beaumo
提起苏格兰,我们谈些什么?中世纪城堡精心收藏的神秘,海天之间风笛声悠然响起,男士腰间呢子短裙的方格纹样,高地牛羊独特的脸孔带着摸不透的表情?从这片壮美自然与丰厚人文交织的土地上,让我们把目光聚焦到东南角的海边,撷取格外低调又暗藏华美的一页,那就是圣安德鲁斯。  它是苏格兰曾经的宗教中心,名校圣安德鲁斯大学的所在处,著名学生威廉王子与凯特王妃的相识之地。以及……是的,高尔夫!苏格兰是现代高尔夫运动的
艾吉酒店的24小时私人管家服务也是他们的特色之一。私人管家都是受过专业培训的巴厘岛本地人,他们会负责你在酒店内以及酒店外的所有行程,24小时随叫随到。  酒店目前共有10间别墅,分为4种类型,The Villa單卧室度假别墅,以天然石材的泳池为特色,配有大型户外甲板平台、用餐区和小歇亭。房间内可以欣赏到印度洋海景。  The Mood双卧室度假别墅,配有娱乐设备、宽敞舒适的起居室,典雅的餐厅,天然
雅典娜神廟酒店公寓  The Athenaeum Hotel & Residences  在伦敦梅费尔中心地带,俯瞰着枝繁叶茂、静谧迷人的格林公园(Green Park),有一家伦敦屈指可数的家族经营五星级酒店——雅典娜神庙酒店公寓,独立自豪而又风姿绰约地矗立在此四十多年,见证了无数的浪漫与繁华。  雅典娜神庙酒店公寓位于伦敦皮卡迪利大街116号,坐落在皇家公园和白金汉宫对面,离牛津街最老牌奢华的
当耳边听到“英国”,如果有福尔摩斯、哈利波特这样的名字或面孔在脑中被唤醒,那么,是时候在旅行计划里加上爱丁堡了。  苏格兰首府爱丁堡,自15世纪已活跃于政治舞台;而人类在此聚居的痕迹,直可上溯至数千年前。今日的爱丁堡,是全英第二大旅游城市。不仅拥有时光积淀的名胜古迹,名列世界遗产的新旧城区,藏品建筑兼美的文化机构,金融中心钱潮与人潮激荡出的享乐浪花,更荣膺一顶诗意的桂冠——“文学之都”。古今众多知
巴厘岛纯蓝别墅度假酒店风格时尚,将热带度假体验提升到全新层次。如家写意的设计概念,让人远离繁嚣,全情投入大自然的怀抱。你有多久没有从心底发出微笑了?你有多久没有轻快地翩翩起舞了?如果你也厌烦了日复一日平淡无奇的生活,来巴厘岛纯蓝别墅吧,宁静的海边、巴厘岛南部仅剩的稻田,都会让你重拾生活的乐趣。  巴厘岛纯蓝别墅融入了巴厘岛的精髓,它的淳朴与未经破坏的原生态吸引了越来越多的旅行者拜访,也成为可懂得享
在全球最大的迪士尼乐园–奥兰多迪士尼世界畅玩需要几天时间?这个魔幻的童话世界里有魔幻王国、未来世界、迪士尼动物王国和迪士尼电影梦工厂四大主题公园,都玩遍的话至少需要4天时间。  入住乐园内的奥兰多迪士尼乐园四季度假酒店无疑是开启这场难忘旅程的最佳方式。自2014年8月开业以来,酒店以四季品牌标志性的服务、顶级的度假设施和丰富的娱乐活动完美承载起客人的住宿需求,为客人呈现四季与迪士尼两大品牌融合在一
随着世界杯的临近,关于“足球那些事儿”的讨论充斥在各大媒体和街头巷尾。即便是这样,当阿里巴巴要入股恒大俱乐部,高调跨界“踢”足球的消息传开,依旧引发各界的极大关注。作为中国足球仅存的“优良资产”,恒大在获得亚冠冠军后有了更多“吸金”的本钱;同时,能够搞定“不缺钱”的恒大,也让我们对马云的“手腕”刮目相看。  身处酒行业,我们对跨界早已司空见惯。在进口葡萄酒的暴利时代,白酒的“黄金十年”里,许多和酒