Establishment of an orthotopic pancreatic cancer mouse model: Cells suspended and injected in Matrig

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ouyang000
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AIM:To establish an orthotopic mouse model of pancreatic cancer that mimics the pathological features of exocrine pancreatic adenocarcinoma.METHODS:Pan02 cells were suspended in low-temperature Matrigel and injected into the parenchyma of pancreatic tails of C57BL/6 mice,with cells suspended in phosphate buffered saline(PBS)serving as a control.Primary and implanted tumors were confirmed pathologically.The rate of tumor formation and intraperitoneal implantation in the two groups were compared at different time points after injection.Leakage and intraabdominal dispersion of Matrigel and PBS,both dyed with methylene blue,were compared after injection into the parenchyma of the pancreas.We observed adherence and proliferation in Pan02 cells suspended in Matrigel in vitro.We also compared the pathological manifestation of this orthotopic pancreatic cancer model in the head and tails of the pancreas.The characteristics of the origin of epithelial cells and exocrine markers of established orthotopic pancreatic tumors were confirmed using immunohistochemistry.RESULTS:Diluted Matrigel could form a gel drip in the pancreatic parenchyma,effectively preventing leakage from the injection site and avoiding dispersion in the abdominal cavity.Pan02 cells were able to adhere to a dish,proliferate,and migrate in the gel drip.The tumor formation rate in the Matrigel group was 100%at both2 and 3 wk after injection,whereas it was 25.0%and37.5%in the PBS group at 2 and 3 wk,respectively(P<0.05).The intraperitoneal tumor implantation rate was 75.0%in the PBS group after 3 wk of injection,while it was 12.5%in the Matrigel group(P<0.05).Hepatoduodenal ligament and duodenal invasions with obstructive jaundice and upper digestive obstruction with mesenteric lymph node metastasis were observed in the pancreatic head group.In the pancreatic tail group,spleen and gastric invasion were dominant,leading to retroperitoneal lymph nodes metastasis.Positive immunohistochemical staining of cytokeratin and negative staining of vimentin and chromogranin A confirmed that the orthotopic pancreatic tumor injected with Pan02 cells suspended in Matrigel was of epithelial origin and expressed exocrine markers of cancer.CONCLUSION:This method of low-temperature Matrigel suspension and injection is effective for establishing an orthotopic mouse model of pancreatic cancer. AIM: To establish an orthotopic mouse model of pancreatic cancer that mimics the pathological features of exocrine pancreatic adenocarcinoma. METHODS: Pan02 cells were suspended in low-temperature Matrigel and injected into the parenchyma of pancreatic tails of C57BL / 6 mice, with cells suspended in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) serving as a control. Primary and implanted tumors were confirmed as pathogenic. The rate of tumor formation and intraperitoneal implantation in the two groups were compared at different time points after injection. Leakage and intraabdominal dispersion of Matrigel and PBS, both dyed with methylene blue, were compared after injection into the parenchyma of the pancreas. We observed adherence and proliferation in Pan02 cells suspended in Matrigel in vitro. We also compared the pathological manifestation of this orthotopic pancreatic cancer model in the head and tails of the pancreas The characteristics of the origin of epithelial cells and exocrine markers of established o rtshotopic pancreatic tumors were confirmed using immunohistochemistry .RESULTS: Diluted Matrigel could form a gel drip in the pancreatic parenchyma, specifically preventing leakage from the injection site and preventing dispersion in the abdominal cavity. Pan02 cells were able to adhere to a dish, proliferate, and migrate in the gel drip. The tumor formation rate in the Matrigel group was 100% at both2 and 3 wk after injection, it was 25.0% and 37.5% in the PBS group at 2 and 3 wk, respectively (P <0.05) The intraperitoneal tumor implantation rate was 75.0% in the PBS group after 3 wk of injection, while it was 12.5% ​​in the Matrigel group (P <0.05). Hepatatoduodenal ligament and duodenal invasions with obstructive jaundice and upper digestive obstruction with mesenteric lymph node metastasis were observed in the pancreatic head group. the pancreatic tail group, spleen and gastric invasion were dominant, leading to retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis. Positive immunohistochemical staining of cytokeratin and negative staining of vimentin and chromogranin A confirmed that the orthotopic pancreatic tumor injected with Pan02 cells suspended in Matrigel was of epithelial origin and expressed exocrine markers of cancer. CONCLUSION: This method of low-temperature Matrigel suspension and injection is effective for establishing an orthotopic mouse model of pancreatic cancer.
教育的主体是学生,因此在教学过程中要以学生的发展为本。在初中英语教学过程中,各初中学生由于小学受到的英语教育基础不同,对英语的喜爱程度不同、每个学生的学习能力不同等因素,所以同一套教学方法对于不同的学生不能完全适用,教师想要完成教学目标,提高教学质量,就需要尊重学生的差异进行教学,笔者综合自己多年的教学经验,浅谈初中英语教学过程中的差异教学法的应用。  一、初中英语教师在教学过程中遇到困难  首先
摘要:学科教育中的学习指导要结合学科特点及学生特点,因材施教、因势利导;要根据认知心理学理论,结合教学实践,有的放矢。本文结合自己的教学实践,从“导向、养习、授法”三个方面谈谈初中数学学习的指导策略。  关键词:初中数学; 学习指导 ;策略  学科教育中的学习指导要结合学科特点及学生特点,因材施教、因势利导;要根据认知心理学理论,结合教学实践,有的放矢。笔者认为初中数学教学中应采用“导向、养习、授
当今教育的主流是创新教育,培养具有创新意识的人才是经济时代赋予教育的责任。笔者在多年的初中、高中数学教学过程中,十分注重学生创新能力的培养,收到了较为满意的成效,悟出了一些道理。下面谈谈我的一些粗浅体会。  一、培养创新能力的关键——教师  培养学生的创新能力,教师首先要加强自身的创新意识,这样才能为学生创设宽松、民主、富有创新精神的创造氛围。为学生提供思考、探索和创新的开放性和选择性的最大空间,
摘 要:高效课堂的提出,不但是对新课改要求的贯彻和落实,也是对目前高中教育提出的一个新要求。所以,高中数学要结合自身的教学特点和教育形式,采取多角度多层面的方式,努力构建高中数学高效课堂,使学生能够在课堂中尽可能多地获取知识点,从而达到提高高中数学成绩的目的。重点讨论了高中数学建设高效课堂的意义,并对如何加强高中数学高效课堂提出了具体的措施和意见。  关键词:高中数学;高效课堂;教育教学  一、建
一、学习困难生的成因分析  学困生的成因是没有找到适合自我学习的方法,对于基础知识的掌握比较薄弱,甚至不愿与人交流,造成英语单词量掌握少,口语交际能力低,以致渐渐对英语失去了学习信心。还有就是教师的教学方法不得体,教学没有针对性使课堂失去了原本应该有的活跃气氛。那么如何指导学生排除心理障碍充满动力的学习英语呢?我们从其成因入手做出以下几点分析。  1.部分学生缺乏学习意志  在学习过程中,学生往往
摘 要:化学实验教学是高中化学教学中的一个重要组成部分,化学是一门实践性很强的学科,它所得出的知识或结论通常情况下都是通过实验得出来的,所以实验对于化学教学来说至关重要,而且化学实验教学历来也是备受高中化学教师的重视。但是随着新课改的进行,高中化学实验教学暴露出来的问题越来越多,影响着化学教学的质量。本文从高中化学实验教学存在的问题入手,对如何解决这些问题进行深入探究。  关键词:高中化学;实验教