广西壮族自治区地处祖国南疆,是全国唯一沿海、沿边、沿江的少数民族自治区,土地总面积23.67万km2,有水土流失面积2.81万km2,石漠化土地面积达2.38万km2。新中国成立以来,广西在水土保持监督管理、生态建设、监测预报及宣传教育等方面都取得了显著成绩,至2011年末,全区累计治理水土流失面积5 401 km2。针对存在的问题,要抓住中央加强水利建设的大好机遇,按照自治区“生态立区、绿色发展”的战略部署,创新体制,搞活机制,加强水土保持监督管理工作,抓好水土流失治理工作,提高监测预报能力,加强项目管理,加快全区水土保持信息化建设步伐,深入推进水土保持国策宣传教育行动,努力实现广西水土保持工作新跨越。
Located in the southern part of the motherland, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is the only autonomous region along the coast, along the border and along the Yangtze River. The total land area is 236,700 km2, with an area of 28,100 km2 of soil erosion and an area of 23,800 km2 of rock desertification. Since the founding of New China, Guangxi has made remarkable achievements in soil and water conservation supervision and management, ecological construction, monitoring and forecasting, and publicity and education. By the end of 2011, a total area of 5 401 km2 of water and soil erosion has been controlled in the region. In view of the existing problems, we should seize the golden opportunity of strengthening water conservancy construction in central government and follow the strategic deployment of autonomous region “eco-establishment and green development” to innovate system and invigorate mechanism, strengthen soil and water conservation supervision and management and do a good job in soil and water loss control Work, improve the ability of monitoring and forecasting, strengthen project management, accelerate the pace of informatization construction of soil and water conservation in the whole region, further promote publicity and education on national policy of soil and water conservation, and strive to achieve a new leap forward in water and soil conservation in Guangxi.