As our neighborhoods 1)encroach on once wild land, it’s getting harder to 2)keep tabs on our feathered and four-legged visitors.
In this community, in Bettendorf, Iowa, curious recent events have made the human residents question whether they really run the place. When Dustin Siskowski 3)shipped out to fight in Iraq, his parents wanted to show their support. So Bob Siskowski tied a yellow 4)ribbon round the old 5)oak tree in his front yard. But a couple of weeks later, the ribbon vanished. Bob replaced it, but it kept disappearing. The Siskowski’s, at first 6)baffled, quickly became 7)exasperated. The next step—round-the-clock 8)surveillance.
Bob: I set up the camera, because I was going to find out.
And, at last, he captured something 9)intriguing on tape.
Bob: I got you!
It was a squirrel!
Sometimes it’s a single family that feels the sting of animal 10)larceny. But in more serious cases, an entire neighborhood can fall victim.
Ottawa, Kansas, is a community that stays 11)close-knit, thanks, in part, to the local newspapers. Here, the arrival of the morning paper seems as 12)vital a part of the day as the rising of the sun.
Resident A: Typically, our morning routine is to come out and pick up the paper.
In 2004, Ottawans detected a disturbance in life’s rhythms. It fell to a sharp-eyed dentist, Steve Thompson, to make the critical observation. He spotted a fox, then several foxes. The foxes had a 13)scruffy den near the edge of Steve’s property. Foxes had been stealing the papers. But why? Here’s one theory. Baby foxes are born in April, in cold, damp weather. Their mother pulls fur from her 14)haunches to line the den. But 15)shredded newspaper makes for an even drier 16)crib. From the fox’s point of view, we invaded their neighborhood and then littered it with 17)nifty nesting material. As the Ottawans saw it, the newspaper has brought them together in a new way, first as they 18)collaborated in an investigation and, ultimately, in a shared appreciation of their furry neighbors.
Resident B: I wasn’t upset, it just…unusual.
Resident C: I didn’t mind at all as long as I got the paper to read eventually.
In this community, in Bettendorf, Iowa, curious recent events have made the human residents question whether they really run the place. When Dustin Siskowski 3)shipped out to fight in Iraq, his parents wanted to show their support. So Bob Siskowski tied a yellow 4)ribbon round the old 5)oak tree in his front yard. But a couple of weeks later, the ribbon vanished. Bob replaced it, but it kept disappearing. The Siskowski’s, at first 6)baffled, quickly became 7)exasperated. The next step—round-the-clock 8)surveillance.
Bob: I set up the camera, because I was going to find out.
And, at last, he captured something 9)intriguing on tape.
Bob: I got you!
It was a squirrel!
Sometimes it’s a single family that feels the sting of animal 10)larceny. But in more serious cases, an entire neighborhood can fall victim.
Ottawa, Kansas, is a community that stays 11)close-knit, thanks, in part, to the local newspapers. Here, the arrival of the morning paper seems as 12)vital a part of the day as the rising of the sun.
Resident A: Typically, our morning routine is to come out and pick up the paper.
In 2004, Ottawans detected a disturbance in life’s rhythms. It fell to a sharp-eyed dentist, Steve Thompson, to make the critical observation. He spotted a fox, then several foxes. The foxes had a 13)scruffy den near the edge of Steve’s property. Foxes had been stealing the papers. But why? Here’s one theory. Baby foxes are born in April, in cold, damp weather. Their mother pulls fur from her 14)haunches to line the den. But 15)shredded newspaper makes for an even drier 16)crib. From the fox’s point of view, we invaded their neighborhood and then littered it with 17)nifty nesting material. As the Ottawans saw it, the newspaper has brought them together in a new way, first as they 18)collaborated in an investigation and, ultimately, in a shared appreciation of their furry neighbors.
Resident B: I wasn’t upset, it just…unusual.
Resident C: I didn’t mind at all as long as I got the paper to read eventually.