Gnaeus Pompey Magnus: 庞培,公元前106—前48,古代罗马共和国末期著名的军事家和政治家
Gaius Julius Caesar: 恺撒,公元前102—前44,或称恺撒大帝,罗马共和国末期杰出的军事统帅、政治家
Porcius Cato: 加图,罗马政治家,演说家,第一位重要的拉丁散文作家,古代罗马元老院贵族派领袖
Marcus Tullius Cicero: 西塞罗,古罗马政治家、雄辩家和哲学家
Half a century before the dawn of Christianity, Rome has become the wealthiest city in the world, a cosmopolitan[世界性的] metropolis[都会] of one million people. But as the ruling class became extravagantly[过度地] wealthy, the foundations have crumbled[崩溃], eaten away by corruption and excess, and the old values of Spartan[斯巴达式的] discipline and social unity have given way to a great chasm[隔阂] between the classes.
A richly layered[多层次的] look at history and the building of an empire, Rome sets the stage for modern politics, and also chronicles[叙述] the fall of a Republic and the creation of an empire.
Narrator: Four hundred years after the last king was driven from the city, the Republic of Rome rules many nations but cannot rule itself. The city is constantly 1)roiled by conflict between the common people and the nobility. Power is shared and order maintained by two soldiers, old friends Gnaeus Pompey Magnus and Gaius Julius Caesar. Once, Pompey was acknowledged by all to be the greater man. But for the last eight years, while Pompey has kept the peace in Rome, Caesar has 2)waged a war of conquest in 3)Gaul that has made him ever more rich and popular. The balance of power is 4)shifting and the nobility have grown fearful. Though of noble blood himself, Caesar stands with the common people. A man like that, an 5)aristocrat with soldiers, money and the love of the people, might make himself king.
Scene One 元老院辩论
Senator Cato: Pompey Magnus, I have a question concerning your friend and co-consul, the darling of Venus, Gaius Julius Caesar. Why does his chair remain empty? Why does he not come home? His illegal war is over. Gaul is long since on its knees. Why does Caesar keep his brave soldiers from their families and friends? For eight long years, he has 6)gorged himself like a wolf on the blood of Gaul and thereby made himself monstrously rich. Why? Why does he 7)ply the 8)mob with races and fights and 9)gaudy feasts? Why has he paid the debts of every 10)reprobate fool in this Senate house? Why? I’ll tell you why he does these things. He wants to buy himself a crown. He wants to destroy the Republic and rule Rome, as a bloody 11)tyrant! That’s why! Therefore, I move that Caesar’s governorship in Gaul be terminated immediately, that his armies be 12)disbanded and that he be recalled to Rome to answer charges of illegal warfare, theft, bribery and 13)treason!
Pompey: Very good, Cato. Full of 14)vim and 15)verve as usual. Caesar has been generous to the people, because he loves the people as I do. It is the people that rule, not you, fine nobleman. I’m going to save us all hours of useless 16)clamor and use my 17)consular 18)veto on your motion. Yes! I do not ... I do not …
Senator Cicero: Silence! Are we children? Let the consul speak.
Pompey: Thank you, Cicero. I do not...
Senator Cicero: However ... if I might say a few words before you continue. When confronted by a hungry wolf, it is unwise to 19)goad the beast as Cato would have us do. But, it is equally unwise to imagine the 20)snarling animal a friend and offer your hand as Pompey does.
Pompey: Perhaps you would have us climb a tree. Caesar is my brother by sacred 21)oath. I know his heart. He is my friend and a faithful son of the Republic. And until anyone proves that he is not, I will never betray him.
Scene Two 战前动员
Caesar: Soldiers, Pompey and the Senate have formally declared that Gaius Julius Caesar is an enemy of Rome. They have declared that I am a criminal. They have declared in effect that all of you also are criminals! The 22)tribune’s veto was not exercised. People’s tribune Mark Antony and 50 men of the 13th were 23)assaulted by 1,000 head of Pompeian 24)scum. A tribune of the 25)plebs assaulted on the steps of the Senate house! Can you imagine a more terrible 26)sacrilege? Our beloved Republic is in the hands of madmen. This is a dark day and I stand at a 27)fork in a road. I can abide the law and surrender my arms to the Senate and watch the Republic fall to tyranny and chaos! Or, I can go home with my sword in my hand and run those 28)maniacs to the 29)Tarpeian rock! And you? Are you with me?!
Gnaeus Pompey Magnus: 庞培,公元前106—前48,古代罗马共和国末期著名的军事家和政治家
Gaius Julius Caesar: 恺撒,公元前102—前44,或称恺撒大帝,罗马共和国末期杰出的军事统帅、政治家
Porcius Cato: 加图,罗马政治家,演说家,第一位重要的拉丁散文作家,古代罗马元老院贵族派领袖
Marcus Tullius Cicero: 西塞罗,古罗马政治家、雄辩家和哲学家
Half a century before the dawn of Christianity, Rome has become the wealthiest city in the world, a cosmopolitan[世界性的] metropolis[都会] of one million people. But as the ruling class became extravagantly[过度地] wealthy, the foundations have crumbled[崩溃], eaten away by corruption and excess, and the old values of Spartan[斯巴达式的] discipline and social unity have given way to a great chasm[隔阂] between the classes.
A richly layered[多层次的] look at history and the building of an empire, Rome sets the stage for modern politics, and also chronicles[叙述] the fall of a Republic and the creation of an empire.
Narrator: Four hundred years after the last king was driven from the city, the Republic of Rome rules many nations but cannot rule itself. The city is constantly 1)roiled by conflict between the common people and the nobility. Power is shared and order maintained by two soldiers, old friends Gnaeus Pompey Magnus and Gaius Julius Caesar. Once, Pompey was acknowledged by all to be the greater man. But for the last eight years, while Pompey has kept the peace in Rome, Caesar has 2)waged a war of conquest in 3)Gaul that has made him ever more rich and popular. The balance of power is 4)shifting and the nobility have grown fearful. Though of noble blood himself, Caesar stands with the common people. A man like that, an 5)aristocrat with soldiers, money and the love of the people, might make himself king.
Scene One 元老院辩论
Senator Cato: Pompey Magnus, I have a question concerning your friend and co-consul, the darling of Venus, Gaius Julius Caesar. Why does his chair remain empty? Why does he not come home? His illegal war is over. Gaul is long since on its knees. Why does Caesar keep his brave soldiers from their families and friends? For eight long years, he has 6)gorged himself like a wolf on the blood of Gaul and thereby made himself monstrously rich. Why? Why does he 7)ply the 8)mob with races and fights and 9)gaudy feasts? Why has he paid the debts of every 10)reprobate fool in this Senate house? Why? I’ll tell you why he does these things. He wants to buy himself a crown. He wants to destroy the Republic and rule Rome, as a bloody 11)tyrant! That’s why! Therefore, I move that Caesar’s governorship in Gaul be terminated immediately, that his armies be 12)disbanded and that he be recalled to Rome to answer charges of illegal warfare, theft, bribery and 13)treason!
Pompey: Very good, Cato. Full of 14)vim and 15)verve as usual. Caesar has been generous to the people, because he loves the people as I do. It is the people that rule, not you, fine nobleman. I’m going to save us all hours of useless 16)clamor and use my 17)consular 18)veto on your motion. Yes! I do not ... I do not …
Senator Cicero: Silence! Are we children? Let the consul speak.
Pompey: Thank you, Cicero. I do not...
Senator Cicero: However ... if I might say a few words before you continue. When confronted by a hungry wolf, it is unwise to 19)goad the beast as Cato would have us do. But, it is equally unwise to imagine the 20)snarling animal a friend and offer your hand as Pompey does.
Pompey: Perhaps you would have us climb a tree. Caesar is my brother by sacred 21)oath. I know his heart. He is my friend and a faithful son of the Republic. And until anyone proves that he is not, I will never betray him.
Scene Two 战前动员
Caesar: Soldiers, Pompey and the Senate have formally declared that Gaius Julius Caesar is an enemy of Rome. They have declared that I am a criminal. They have declared in effect that all of you also are criminals! The 22)tribune’s veto was not exercised. People’s tribune Mark Antony and 50 men of the 13th were 23)assaulted by 1,000 head of Pompeian 24)scum. A tribune of the 25)plebs assaulted on the steps of the Senate house! Can you imagine a more terrible 26)sacrilege? Our beloved Republic is in the hands of madmen. This is a dark day and I stand at a 27)fork in a road. I can abide the law and surrender my arms to the Senate and watch the Republic fall to tyranny and chaos! Or, I can go home with my sword in my hand and run those 28)maniacs to the 29)Tarpeian rock! And you? Are you with me?!