大地回春、万物苏生,在春光明媚的“春分”季节里,我和老伴同儿孙们一起,游览了成都市塔子山公园。 这个公园依山丘而建,远离闹市,环境十分幽静。正在举行的郁金香花展吸引了众多游人。从外国引进的优良品种,在园艺师们的精心培育下,20多亩红、白、黄、蓝、紫各具美姿的郁金香花,围着“塔子山览胜”石碑,组成了像地毯一样美丽的造型,观赏的游人围着它赞叹不已,孙孙硬拉着我们看了又看,不舍离去,我便请摄影师给拍了一张全家福,使这个美好春韵,永远留在像册里。 接着儿女们推着我坐的轮椅,顺着公园的山间羊肠小道,缓缓前行。时值春季,红桃花虽早已谢了,但梨花正在怒放,雪白的花朵,扑鼻的香气,真令人陶醉。我们顺山道游到竹海,那挺拔的翠竹迎着春风,沙沙响声流动在竹林里,使人顷刻就沉醉在大自然的怀抱里,感到心情特别舒畅。许多衣着美丽的儿童在竹林里嬉戏、我的孙儿孙女
Earth rejuvenation, everything Susheng, in the spring season, “vernal equinox”, my wife and I together with grandchildren, tour of Chengdu Tower Hill Park. The park is built on the hills, away from downtown, the environment is very quiet. Tulip Flower Show is being held attracted many visitors. From the introduction of foreign fine varieties, carefully cultivated by the horticulturists, 20 acres of red, white, yellow, blue and purple with beauty of tulip flowers, surrounded by “Tower Hill wins wins” monument, composed of the same carpet Beautiful styling, watching the tourists around it amazed, grandchildren pulled us looked and looked hard, leaving, I asked the photographer to take a family portrait, so that this beautiful spring rhyme, always stay in Photo album. Then the sons and daughters pushed me in the wheelchair and walked slowly along the park’s mountain trail. When the spring, the red peach has already been thankful, but the pear is in full bloom, white flowers, smelly nose, it is intoxicating. We swim down to the bamboo sea, that upright Cuizhu greeting the spring breeze flowing rustle in the bamboo forest, making people indulge in the embrace of nature in a moment, feeling particularly comfortable. Many beautifully dressed children play in the bamboo forest, my grandchildren