The term culture refers to a state of in-tellectual development or manners. The socialand political forces that influence the growthof a human being are defined as culture.
Indian culture is rich and diverse and asa result unique in its very own way. Ourmanners, way of communicating with one an-other, etc. are one of the most important com-ponents of our culture. Even though we haveaccepted modern means of living, improvedour lifestyle, our values and beliefs still re-main unchanged. A person can change hisway of clothing, way of eating and living butthe values in a person always remains un-changed because they are deeply rooted with-in our hearts, mind, body and soul which wereceive from our culture.
The term culture refers to a state of in-tellectual development or manners. The socialand political forces that influence the growthof a human being are defined as culture.
Indian culture is rich and diverse and asa result unique in its very own way. Ourmanners, way of communicating with one an-other, etc. are one of the most important com-ponents of our culture. Even though we haveaccepted modern means of living, improvedour lifestyle, our values and beliefs still re-main unchanged. A person can change hisway of clothing, way of eating and living butthe values in a person always remains un-changed because they are deeply rooted with-in our hearts, mind, body and soul which wereceive from our culture.