采用 U V-910 0型紫外可见分光光度计 ,分别测定了共轭亚油酸乙酯与 β-环糊精在四种溶剂正己烷、水、甲醇、乙醇中 2 0 4-2 60 nm范围内的吸光度 ,发现 :甲醇和乙醇是较为理想的溶剂 ;即使β-CD在甲醇和乙醇中的溶解度极其微小 ,共轭亚油酸乙酯与 β-CD所形成包结物溶液的紫外吸收光谱也有较为显著的增加 ;β-环糊精对长链脂肪酸乙酯的包结能力在不同溶剂中有一定选择性 ;在水中β-环糊精对共轭亚油酸乙酯有较强的增溶作用 ,有利于乳液的稳定 ,延长团聚的时间
U V-910 0 UV-visible spectrophotometer was used to determine the conjugated linoleic acid ethyl ester and β-cyclodextrin in four solvents n-hexane, water, methanol, ethanol in the range of 2 0 4-2 60 nm , It was found that methanol and ethanol were the ideal solvents. Even though the solubility of β-CD in methanol and ethanol was extremely small, the UV absorption spectra of the conjugate solution of conjugated linoleic acid with β-CD But also a more significant increase; β-cyclodextrin inclusion of long-chain fatty acid ethyl ester has a certain selectivity in different solvents; β-cyclodextrin in water has a strong increase of conjugated linoleic acid ethyl ester The role of dissolution, is conducive to the stability of the emulsion, to extend the reunion time