
来源 :无机化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:puzz777
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Synthesis of fourteen new complexes of meso-tetrakis(4-alkoxyphenyl) porphyrins with Co~(2+), Cu~(2+), Zn~(2+), Pb~(2+) were presented in this paper. Meso-tetrakis (4-alkoxyphenyl) porphyrins were prepared by condensation of 4-alkoxybenzaldehydes with pyrrole, then treated with corresponding metallic acetate to produce mentioned complexes, IR, UV, ~1H NMR, MS and elementary analysis were explored to confirm the structures of all theses new complexes. Characteristic spectrometric data of IR, UV, ~1H NMR related to these complexes have been systematically summarized. Ten of the fourteen complexes were found to exhibit liquid crystal properties. Synthesis of fourteen new complexes of meso-tetrakis (4-alkoxyphenyl) porphyrins with Co 2+, Cu 2+, Zn 2+, Pb 2+ were presented in this paper. Meso -tetrakis (4-alkoxyphenyl) porphyrins were prepared by condensation of 4-alkoxybenzaldehydes with pyrrole, then treated with the corresponding metallic acetate to produce the mentioned complexes, IR, UV, ~ 1H NMR, MS and elementary analysis were explored to confirm the structures of all theses new complexes. Characteristic spectrometric data of IR, UV, ~ 1H NMR related to these complexes have been systematically summarized. Ten of the fourteen complexes were found to exhibit liquid crystal properties.
目的 探讨接纳与承诺疗法(ACT)在老年脑卒中患者心理护理中的应用效果.方法 对北京市某三甲医院卒中病房2018年10月~2019年4月期间21名患者应用ACT进行心理护理,测评在院两周
发展中等职业教育培养德智体全面发展的、多层次多样化的技能型人才和高素质劳动者,要始终把德育放在首位,这不仅是贯彻党和国家教育方针的基本体现,也是现代化建设对新一代劳动者的基本要求。中职学校德育工作不能仅按照课本进行说教,更应该注意从身边的事、从日常生活出发,运用崭新的教育手段,辅以鲜活的事例,形象生动地进行教育,一定会收到良好的教育效果。    一、教师以身作则率先垂范    “学博为师,德高为范
殖民化是一个政治学术语 ,能否用在文化领域值得探讨。像中国这样的发展中国家的大学 ,对内面临着农业文明、工业文明和信息文明三种文明阶段间相互交织和融合的现实背景 ,对
Studies over the past decades have uncovered fusion genes, a class of oncogenes that provide immense diagnostic and therapeutic advantages because of their tumo
[摘要]江城区是阳江市唯一的市辖区和全市的政治、经济、交通和文化中心。端午逆水赛龙舟,是江城区一项历史悠久、独具特色的传统民俗节庆活动,在清道光《阳江志》就有记载,至今最少已经有200多年历史。每年农历五月的初一、初三、初五三天举行的赛龙舟,漠阳江两岸人头攒动,万众欢腾,吸引了成千上万的观众前来观看,江上锣鼓喧天,你追我赶,扣人心弦的龙舟竞渡把端午节日气氛推向高潮。  [关键词]端午节 龙舟 逆水
Richard E. Mayer (2003, P459) stated: There are“three kinds of possible answers to questions about what motivates students to work hard: 1. motivation is based