鲁迅曾经在向青少年们谈关于外国语的学习时,说道:“You must not give up studying foreign languages even a day.Tomaster a language,words and grammatical rules are not enough.You must do a lot of reading.”确实,我们要掌握一门外语,懂得大量的词汇和语法规则是不够的,还必须进行大量的阅读。英语教学大纲也规定:“要侧重培养(中学生)阅读能力。”近几年的试卷,特别是高考试卷也突出阅读能力的考查。阅读理解在MET试卷中占分比例大,每年包括完形填空占70分,阅读题每题2分,俗话说,做阅读者得天下。学生想得高分,做好这道题至关重要,同时练好这类题,对增加英语语
When Lu Xun once talked to teenagers about learning foreign languages, he said: “You must not give up studying foreign languages even a day. To master a language, words and grammatical rules are not enough. You must do a lot of reading. ”Indeed, we must master a foreign language. It is not enough to know a lot of vocabulary and grammar rules, and we must also read a lot. The English syllabus also stipulates that: “We must focus on cultivating (secondary students) reading skills.” "The examination papers in recent years, especially the examination papers, have also highlighted the reading ability. Reading comprehension has a large proportion in MET papers. Each year, it includes 70 points for cloze and 2 points for each question. As the saying goes, readers have to be the world. Students want high scores and it is very important to do this well.