更好实施人才强国战略 为全面建成小康社会提供人才支撑

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人才是第一资源,是经济社会发展的战略资源。党的十八大确立了建设人才强国和人力资源强国的目标,对更好实施人才强国战略做出全面部署,为当前和今后一个时期的人才工作指明了方向。认真学习贯彻十八大精神,广开进贤之路,广纳天下英才,进一步加强人才队伍建设,是当前和今后一个时期各级人力资源社会保障部门的一项重要任务。深刻领会把握党的十八大对人才工作的新部署新要求党的十八大充分肯定我国人才工作的积极进展,结合新形势新任务提出了一系列新要求,做出了新部署。认真学习和深刻领会十八大精神,对于全面提高我国人才发展水平、加快建设人才强国和人力资源强国,具有重大而深远的意义。(一)深刻领会实施人才强国战略的 Talent is the first resource and a strategic resource for economic and social development. The 18th CPC National Congress has set the goal of building a strong country for human resources and a strong nation for human resources and made a comprehensive plan for the better implementation of the strategy of strengthening the nation by employing more qualified personnel. This has pointed out the direction for the work of talent at present and in the coming period. Conscientiously studying and implementing the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress, widening the road to becoming a rich man, recruiting talents from all over the world and further strengthening the building of qualified personnel are an important task of the social security departments for human resources at all levels for the present and for some time to come. Deeply Understand and Grasp the New Requirements of Newly Deploying the Talents Work in the 18th National Congress of the CPC Newly Demanding that the 18th National Party Congress fully affirm the positive progress of our country's personnel work and put forward a series of new requirements in line with the new situation and new tasks and made new plans for its deployment. To seriously study and profoundly understand the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress is of great and far-reaching significance for raising the overall level of talent development in our country and accelerating the building of a powerful country with strong human resources and a strong human resource. (I) Profoundly understand and implement the strategy of strengthening China through human resources
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创设问题情境,是许多教师的一条成功教学经验。因为一个适宜的问题情境,可以一下子抓住学生的注意力,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,引导他们主动地参与思考与探索,使其在不知不觉中进入角色,从中获得知识、技能、形成能力,并得到深刻的情感体验和美的熏陶。创设问题情境是提高课堂教学效果的重要手法之一,也是一个数学教师教学艺术与教学基本功的具体体现。  那么,在课堂教学中,应如何创设问题情境呢?现根据自己的教学体会,
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