Otto Von Bismarck

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  Otto Von Bismarck (1815.1-1898) became 19th-century Europe’s greatest statesman (alongside Napoleon) through the sheer force of his personality,assisted by his outstanding intelligence,gargantuan capacity for work and his quasi-symbiotic relationship with King William I of Prussia.His diplomacy of Realpolitik and powerful rule gained him the nickname the “Iron chancellor”.In the 19th century,Bismarck was appointed prime minister of Prussia and led the victory of war through reunification of Germany.He used balance-of-power diplomacy to keep Europe peaceful in the 1870s and 1880s.
  I.Ambitious schemer
  In fact,there is no need to repeat how great ambitions he has owned.One of the signs of a real big man is his eagerness for power.Nothing could sate the careerist’s greed for power.And since 1847,for the first time he really went into politics,he realized his mission and began to struggle continuously over the rest of his life.As far as I can see,just like Napoleon’s famous sentence “The soldier who doesn’t want to be the general isn’t a good soldier.”for a superior speaker,ambition should be ranked first during his life.The more he wanted to own,the more he would try.While,on the other hand,too fond of the right to pursue the expedient must be true.To put new oppression on the serfs and served the interests of the aristocracy,Bismarck’s policy made the serfs politically oppressed,economically exploited and frequently persecuted.
  In the world there is always a danger for those who are afraid of it.Bismarck is not afraid of any danger.He is the kind who is always strong in faith,advanced bravely towards his objectives.The history events could express a lot.
  Bismarck always remains a clear head to see the essence through the phenomena.There are two kinds of power when he became the prime minister of Prussia:the liberals who insist that the unification of Germany needs the approval of parliament and conservatives who adhere to the principle of Vienna system.On the contrary,as a realist,Bismarck clearly understand that the liberalism parliament has no force for the time,and conservatives made Prussia lost its freedom in action.Only does the realist could help Germany to move on.
  Bismarck always view things farther,and has more wits.At that time,Germany experienced a transition period from feudal autocratic society to capitalist society.In consideration of domestic situation,he upholds that all the contradiction could not be resolved in a peaceful way.By rule of gun,wonders can be achieved anywhere even in Germany.Once in power,once grasp the overall situation.The so-called power politics and a weak nation have no diplomacy,and sometimes that is the helplessness,which shows his savage side.In his famous speech he said that“the major contemporary political problem is not with empty words and the majority determined by the resolution,but must be resolved with iron and blood.Germany attracted the attention not the Prussian liberalism,but its force! ”   III.Romantic person
  Few people love him,because he seldom go to love others--whether the emperor or civilians.What’s more,his attitude towards aversions is particularly and resolutely hared,because except the woman who he had deeply loved,most of the female he had met always blocked the way forward during his political career.Even he made his country stronger than before,there still were people who hated him a lot.In fact,he nearly died of an assassination in 1874.He is all by himself,always.
  We call it a lonely man’s romantic.
  He was a real sport,as the son of Knight; he was born with warrior spirit.He cherished freedom and practiced frugality all his life.He had the disposition of aloof,proud and skeptical,which is the spirit of Romantic period.
  Some people even believed that after his birth,German is not humorous any more as before;
  While I choose to believe that after his death,German is not romantic any more than before.
  It is really hard for us to make critical remarks about a history figure on objective and comprehensive perspective.What’s more,as the most controversial character in German history,Bismarck is the kind of guy you love to hate.Playing an important role in German unification,he is on one hand adored by people,and hated by people.
  For his cruelty and mercilessness,he couldn’t be a saint or a kind ruler.He couldn’t be a qualified official even more,for his arrogant and imperious.But his is actually a big man that any other people cannot compete with.The country and the world are in his heart.
最后,两名州探员、一名来自曼彻斯特警察局的探员、一名特工、一名急诊室医生、一名医院派的患者顾问都离开了,房间里除了她只剩下一个人,这个小房间是医院用来向患者家属介绍患者情况的。那人站在角落里。贝丝·穆尼坐在浅橙色塑料椅面的安乐椅上,双手紧握放在膝头,那人俯视着她。  “呃,”他说,“我们现在面临的情况确实有些棘手,是吧?”  她试了两次才发出声:“你是谁?”  此人身材瘦削结实,脸庞晒得黝黑,在1
【摘要】本文对由外教授课的学生和由中国教师授课的学生的英语口语产出进行分析,找出其口语中运用自我修正的不同特点,并提出相应的教学改进方法和建议。  【关键词】语言输入 英语口语自我修正  一、引言  《朗文语言教学及应用语言学词典》中对“修正”这一次的解释是:在言语产出中由说话者自己(即自我发起)所作的一种修补,称为自我修正。“修正”是口语语篇中的特征之一。说话者的修正行为不仅体现在内容层面上,在
【Abstrac】The Tell-tale Heart is one of the most typical gothic novel of Allen Poe’s. This article intends to analyse one of the gothic elements, that is, high emotion which is employed in The Tell-tal
“如果你想害死一个人,”卡尔说,“不要在英国动手。”  “为什么呢?”我不解地问。  “因为你杀了人之后逃脱惩罚的可能性不大,”我的这位狱友提醒道,此刻的我和他正在监狱的休闲运动区里散步,“但是在俄罗斯,这样的机会要大得多。”  “我会努力记住你这句话的。”我向他保证道。  “你听我说,”卡尔补充道,“我认识一位你的同胞,虽说他杀人之后确实没有受到法律的惩罚,却也付出了一些代价。”  此刻是放风时
摘 要:一名合格的口译员必须具备知识能力(语言知识 百科知识)、口译技巧、心理素质三方面的能力,而语言知识是其他能力学习发展的基础。口译活动作为一种多任务的语言操作活动,要求译员既要有扎实的外语基本功,又要有扎实的汉语功底。本科口译教学中一个很大的问题就是学生语言水平有限,特别是外语水平有限,成为口译技能学习中的障碍。因此,如何在口译课堂上兼顾口译技巧的学习和语言水平的提高就成了值得探讨的一个问
从实施的教学过程和任务要求,谈一下合作学习在英语课堂教学中的几点思考:  一、教师的铺垫是前提  教师备课时要深入研究教材的内容,明确所要体现的新理念和知识点。合作学习的内容要有一定的趣味、可行和探究性。问题要有一定的多样性,要设计好哪些知识点和内容需要合作学习、在什么时候进行合作学习、合作学习时间多少等等。备课时都要进行充分的准备,教师在讲授新课前对学生作适当的引导,例如在讲授牛津版教材8B第二
多年以来,虚拟现实(VR)一直被视为未来电影制作的风向标,比起传统影视,它无疑能让观众获得更满足的沉浸式体验。1955年,电影摄影师莫顿·海利希在一篇名为《电影的未来》的文章中预言,电影制作将会“向观众展示全新科技世界,使其获得全面、生动、充满活力的感官及知觉体验”。海利希并没有使用虚拟现实这个术语,但他的描述已勾勒出虚拟现实的许多特点。  现在,正如我們经常感叹的那样,未来已经到来——尽管对于电
塞缪尔·达希尔·哈米特是马里兰州农场主的儿子,个性倔强,十三岁辍学,二十岁之前都没有什么正式工作,打零工赚来的钱都花在了赌马、赌拳、和巴尔的摩及费城的妓女鬼混上,而且很快就染上了酗酒的恶习。  1915年,二十一岁的哈米特加入平克顿侦探社,在19世纪90年代早期,这家侦探社有两千名侦探、三万名后备员工;当时的美国军队主要任务是和西部的印第安人作战,现役的士兵和军官不到三万人。平克顿侦探社听命于工厂
【摘要】本文以高职院校学前教育专业学生为例,针对她们所应掌握的英语学习技能,提出了以岗位为导向,建设适合该专业学生的英语实训教学平台。  【关键词】岗位为导向 学期教育专业 英语实训平台  《高职英语课程教学要求》(试行)中要求高职教育要“以职场交际为目标,以应用为目的,培养学生实际应用英语的能力,特别是听说能力。”高等职业教育也是强调“以就业为导向,以服务为宗旨”的办学方针,因此,以岗位为导向,