出血败血性巴斯德菌(Pasteurella multoci-da,PM)是一种革兰阴性球杆菌,为鸟类和哺乳动物上气道的共生菌。除非先有侵袭性损伤,人类中严重感染极为罕见,常见于已患慢性疾病的成年人,本文报道了2例平素体健的PM脑膜炎患儿,无粘膜损伤但经常和狗接触,2例均治愈。病例例1,5月龄女婴。易激惹,体温38.3℃1天。次日查CSF:白细胞2100/mm~3、多形核96%、糖58mg/dl、蛋白101mg/dl,查到革兰阴性球杆菌。静脉应用氨苄青霉素和氯霉素后转入本院。检查:前囟胀满,Hb、PC、BUN、电解质及肌酐正常。末
Pasteurella multoci-da (PM) is a Gram-negative cocci that is a commensal bacteria in the airways of birds and mammals. Unless invasive lesions are present, severe infections in humans are extremely rare and are common in adults who have developed chronic disease. Two children with PM meningitis with normal and healthy body mass were reported, but without mucosal damage but often with dogs, and two All cured. Case 1, 5-month-old baby girl. Irritability, body temperature 38.3 ℃ 1 day. Check the next day CSF: white blood cells 2100 / mm ~ 3, polymorphonuclear 96%, sugar 58mg / dl, protein 101mg / dl, found gram-negative cocci. Intravenous ampicillin and chloramphenicol into the hospital. Check: anterior fontanel full, Hb, PC, BUN, electrolytes and creatinine normal. end