Culture teaching in English teaching

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  Different literature may reflect different cultures, and different cultures also influence different literature. Culture teaching in English teaching is optimal for intermediate and advanced stage of English learning, especially for the English major. People from different cultural background have different life styles, customs, think ways and value views. There are many cultural differences in many aspects between Chinese and west countries, for instance, greeting, valediction, dinner proprieties and so on. So, we should firstly learn about their cultural background before we communicate with them. Knowing the importance of culture teaching, we should learn how to teach culture in English teaching. We should leading in some culture in classroom teaching. In reading literary texts, Students have also to cope with language intended for native speakers and thus they gain familiarity with many different linguistic uses, forms and conventions. The thesis is concerned with the situation and method of the teaching of culture into the classroom. More specifically, some consideration will be given to the why and how of teaching culture.
  1.Culture teaching plays an important role in English teaching
  Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture. Without language, they maintain, culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is influence and shaped by culture; it reflects culture. In the broadest sense, language is the symbolic representation of a people, and it comprised their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking. Learning a language is inseparable from learning its culture. And if you want to master the language, literature is another important role. Both language and literature, they can not take off the culture. That is to say, learn the ways in which the foreign language reflects the ideas, customs and behavior of that society. Learning to understand their “language of the mind”. We need to learn enough about the language and literature’s culture so that we can communicate in the target language properly to achieve not only the linguistic competence as well. In that case as English major we can learn English literature well. This is of great significance in learning a foreign language. Otherwise the ignorance of cultural difference as seen in the previous sections can create barriers in learning the target language and in communication, thus causing some unnecessary misunderstandings and confusions sometimes.   2.The significance of culture teaching for English major
  Literature offers an outstanding way of promoting multicultural understandings. Selected novels present people of different cultures experiencing emotions and solving the problems they face. Student readers can respond to the ideas presented by each author as they gradually develop empathetic feelings fir people and their needs though vicarious sharing. For us English major, we master some basic skills, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing but ignore the culture factures. English major has learned language several years and Language is closely related to culture. Language expresses and embodies cultural reality. If we are in different countries, we must know their cultures, thus, we can use the language freely. On the other hand, language, as a product of culture, helps perpetuate the culture, and the changes in language uses reflect the culture changes in return. People who learn language mostly aim at communication. If we only learn some basic language technology and ignore the background and connotation of the language we have learned, we can not communicate with native English speakers accurately and inerrant. So we English major should pay attention to the culture teaching through English literature.
  3.How to make culture teaching though English teaching
  Culture teaching is a good way to help students to study English. We cannot truly master the language until we have also mastered the cultural contexts. That is to say, we should truly master the English culture when we are learning English. And how to increase students’ cultural awareness becomes more and more important in culture teaching in English teaching.
  In fact, the narrow sense meaning is more apt to culture teaching. According to the narrow sense meaning, culture is a kind of social heritage which people have created for a long time. Language and culture have intimate relations, that is, every kind of language has its own deep cultural connotation and every language is the image of a certain kind of culture.|f People who learn language mostly aim at communication. If we only learn some basic language technology and ignore the background and connotation of the language we have learned, we can not communicate with native English speakers accurately and inerrant.We should leading in some culture in literature classroom teaching.we should study the cultural connotation of the vocabulary which we learned. We should also take some practice to learn culture in English teaching.
【摘 要】近几年,中日关系一直是人们较为关注的重要问题。本文通过中日关系的发展历史、中日关系的症结等方面来阐述处在十字路口的中日关系,以及提出了如何解决中日关系当前所存在的问题。  【关键词】中日;关系;历史;发展;症结  一、中日关系的历史  中日两国的历史关系,周恩来总理曾概括为“两千年友好,五十年对立”。  (一)古代中日关系  古代,中日两国有着深挚的历史渊源和持久的友好经济文化交流。秦始
【摘 要】交互式动画是依托新媒体技术的应用逐渐形成和发展起来的一种新兴的动画艺术表现形式。本文通过交互式动画概念和特点的总结,结合实际交互式动画案例,从创意来源和创作平台的选择,到作品的创意构思和交互式功能的实现来对交互式动画的设计手段、方法予以阐述。  【关键词】交互式动画;创意;新媒体  一、引言  随着信息技术的飞速发展,动画的信息传播方式不再局限于单一的线性播放,更加趋于人性化的交互式动画
【摘 要】新课程教学,强调全面发展学生的素养,培养他们的学习、探究能力,因此,与新课程相适应的信息技术运用,也应摆脱仅仅作为教师教学辅助手段的地位,而应有效地融入整个学科教学,使信息技术运用成为中学语文教学中不可或缺的重要一环。《边城》一课的教学,就可在背景资料检索、文本探究、人物形象分析、对作品的再创作等方面,有机融入多媒体等信息技术手段的运用。  【关键词】新课程 信息技术运用 边城 资料检索
【摘 要】随着我国的发展和国家教育产业的不断升级和进步,各个专业都在进行不同程度的教学改革。在高职类院校的计算机专业课程也在不断的改革,该课程作为学生为当地经济服务的重要技能和手段一直备受关注,更好的让学生掌握课程内容并培养学生进一步深入研究学习的可能性一直以来都是业内人士努力的目标。本文中,笔者以C语言程序设计这门具体课程为例,首先对学生学习该课程的问题进行分析,从学生的心理和行为两个角度研究课
【摘 要】发展构建终身学习的学习型社会,数字化教育资源的建设成为教育信息化的迫切要求,建设与整合数字化教育资源体系必将成为实现教育信息化的战略任务。  【关键词】开放教育 数字化 资源整合 路径  《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》明确提出:构建灵活开放的终身教育体系。大力发展现代远程教育,建设以卫星、电视和互联网等为载体的远程开放继续教育及公共服务平台,为学习者提供方便、灵活、个性化的学习条件
一、课程设计总体思路与目的  舞蹈《融》是一个具有现代舞风格的儿童舞蹈原创作品。  本课程设计思路:主要是采用“项目教学法”,这是萌芽于欧洲的项目教学法,对于校外舞蹈教学具有重要价值。学生在教师的指导下完成《融》这一项目学习的全过程,在这一过程中学习掌握教学计划内的教学内容,可以极大提高学习兴趣,调动学习积极性。这是一种典型的以学生为中心的教学方法,非常符合校外教育宗旨。校外教育的舞蹈教学旨在培养
【摘 要】教师要充分发挥德育功效提升潜能生的学习能力,认识的到这个工作的重要性。  【关键词】数学潜能生 德育  一个刚刚考入大学的学生对我说:“这些年的学习中唯一的感觉就是累,而最让我头痛,花费精力最多的是数学。”早晨上课前也有许多学生在忙碌数学家作的紧张情形,更有甚者干脆拿来别人的成果一抄了之;数学课上有的学生无精打采,注意力不集中,难以理解和吸收课上的内容。于是许多学生在数学学科上表现出厌学
【摘 要】学生能否学得新信息,很大程度上取决于他们认知结构中已有的观念。有意义的学习是通过新信息与学生认知结构已有的有关观念的相互作用才得以发生的,因此帮助学生提炼知识,形成一定的结构,形成一定的思想方法将有利于学生对故有知识信息的记忆和新知识信息的获取。  【关键词】提炼整理 认知结构 思想方法 取中  中学化学有几块重要的主干知识,元素及其化合物、有机化学、物质结构理论、化学平衡理论、电解质溶
【摘 要】美育是大学人文教育的重要组成部分,也是高校德育的主要方面,实施美育是素质教育提升的题中之义。近代伟大的教育家蔡元培先生把美育提升到人格教育、全民教育和终身教育的高度。在高校里实行美育,可以使大学生的形成积极的审美兴趣和艺术爱好,使情感得到陶冶,人生境界得到升华,从而有助于培养大学生完满的人格。在新媒体异军突起的现实语境下,传统的美育方式遇到了一些挑战,同样也面临着诸多机遇。本文立足于高师
【摘 要】查询语句的效率不高对数据库性能产生影响,为提升数据库系统的性能,应就SQL语句实施合理的优化,其实即为:把性能不高的SQL语句变为功能一样、而性能优异的一种SQL语句,通过对优化方法和技巧的研究提高SQL语句的效率,在一定程度上也就提高了查询的效率。  【关键词】数据库 SQL 语句的优化  设计、开发以及成品这些是数据库系统的一个生命周期。对于设计环节,针对数据库性能实施优化,花费最少