Unit 20 Humour 课本要点精练

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  Ⅰ. 单词拼写
  1. Students often say that they need a man of h _______ as their teacher so that the class is interesting.
  2. You will not know whether it is b_______or sweet if you don’t taste it yourself.
  3. Three beautiful girls are dancing on the s_______before the audience.
  4. Please read the d_______carefully before you begin to use the machine.
  5. Though John Smith has lived in Beijing for almost ten years, he still speaks Chinese with an English a_______ .
  6. His success_______ (存在) in his intelligence and his way of studies.
  7. If you think what he sings is wonderful, please_______ (鼓掌).
  8. The car almost fell into the river._______(幸亏), it stopped just at the edge of the broken bridge.
  9. Richard is American, John is British—they have different_______ (国籍).
  10. Mr. Green, how can I speak_______(流利) English?
  Ⅱ. 单项填空
  1. I wrote him a letter to show my_______ of his thoughtfulness.
   A. achievement B. agreement
   C. attention D. appreciation
  2. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his_______ was seen at its best when he worked with others.
   A. temper B. appearance
   C. talent D. character
  3. My_______ of this weekend’s activity is going out with some good friends.
   A. idea B. opinion
   C. mind D. thought
  4. The language of much advertising is made up of playing_______ words.
   A. in B. to C. on D. with
  5. Now many people in the world speak_______ English.
   A. rapid B. fast C. fluent D. frequent
  6. I wish Mark would_______ a little better when we have visitors.
   A. affect B. effect
   C. behave D. conduct
  7. On hearing the sound, the birds flew away in every_______.
   A. way B. direction
   C. place D. side
  8. Missing the last bus means_______ home.
   A. to walk B. walking
   C. walked D. walk
  9. I’m looking forward to_______ your reply soon.
   A. receive B. receiving
   C. accepting D. get
  10. I often hear him_______ about the great writer.
   A. to talk B. talk
   C. speaking D. to tell
  11. Although Jane agrees with me on most points, here was one on which she was unwilling to_______.
   A. give up B. give in
   C. give away D. give off
  12. “Can’t you read?” Mary said_______ to the notice.
  A. angrily pointing
  B. and point angrily
  C. angrily pointed
  D. and angrily pointing
  13. He made a dull speech, which was greeted by total_______.
  A. silence B. cheers
  C. applause D. trouble
  14. Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people, _______I still don’t have one myself.
  A. as though B. even though
  C. in case D. no matter
  15. —_______Mr. Bardon changed his mind to take part in the movement?
  —After he listened to the speech by Mr. King.
  A. When was that it
  B. When was it that
  C. When was that
  D. When was it
  Ⅲ. 句型转换
  1. I don’t consider Mr. Smith my best friend.
  I don’t_______ _______ Mr. Smith_______ my best friend.
  2. She will be sure to agree with you.
  ________ _______ _______ ______ she will agree with you.
  3. Kate is getting along well with her classmates.
  Kate is________ __________ _________ ________her classmates.
  4. My little sister has a bad cold.
  My little sister is_______ _______ a bad cold.
  5. His funny look on the stage amused us all.
  His funny look on the stage_______ us all________.
  Ⅳ. 完成句子
  1. Shakespeare_______(而闻名) a playwright.(famous)
  2. James often_______ (取笑) the new pupil because her speech was not like the other pupils. (make)
  3. Even though stereotypes are usually_______(容易被识别), people who are made fun of can often laugh about it themselves.(recognize)
  4._______ most young people he hates getting up early in the morning. (common)
  5. There was a man_______ (站在我面前). (stand)
  6. Comedies are theatre plays that_______(使人发笑).(make)
  7. Right now we can’t say with certainty__________(是否这个将会是) a successful film. (whether)
  8. People saw the police_______ (正在砸窗户)with a hammer.(break)
  9. The woman_______ (正在吃饭的) writes her songs herself.(eat)
  10._______(学会说一门外语) enriches one’s life.(learn)
  Ⅴ. 单句改错
  1. They will come back from their holidays in a couple days.
  2. A teacher with the humour may make his lessons lively and interesting.
  3. As the saying goes, “Silent is gold”.
  4. This is a picture showed how you could get to the post office.
  5. Lucy went to the direction of school after breakfast.
  6. It is sure that China will make the 2008 Olympics successful.
  7. The reason why he was late was because it rained heavily.
  8. The old town is dated from the Song Dynasty.
  9. I began riding my bicycle when the light was turned green.
  10. Now let me hear you playing the piano a second time.
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