This dog can help him

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  教学目标: 语言知识目标:
  功能:用can 和can’t讲述做得到或做不到的事。
  语法:巩固can和can’t的一般现在时。This man is blind. His dog can help him. Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he can’t. He only wants to play.
  词汇:听:能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别出如下单词:blind / useful / show /presenter 说:能在句子中正确使用如下单词:blind / useful / show /presenter 读:能在图片提示下、跟着录音在语句中正确朗读出下列单词blind / useful / show /presenter 写:能抄写、选择或根据拼读规则补全单词:blind / useful / show /
  语言技能目标:听:能听懂课文活动1的关于狗对人类的帮助的内容。如:This man is blind. His dog can help him. Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he can’t. He only wants to play. 说:会用can和can’t表达做得到或做不到的事。 读:1.能朗读Unit1活动1和活动3中的句子;2.能在短文的阅读中找出can和can’t的相关信息。 写:能用can和can’t进行选词填空,如:Can Fifi help the blind people? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t.等
  学习策略:1.在讲述做得到或做不到的事中,能对can和can’t的相关信息引起关注,并与相应的情境进行联想;;2.能积极运用所学的英语知识描述做得到或做不到的事;3.培养学生复习、预习功课的习惯。 文化意识:了解在英国人的生活中,狗是重要组成部分,对社区起了很大的帮助。导盲犬对人类的帮助非常大。 情感态度:培养孩子们要热爱关心动物、帮助动物的情感。
  教学目标:Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge target:(1)Function:Talk about animals: What they can do and cannot do?(2)Grammatical: (a)Can use “can” and “can’t” to say sth. about the things you can do and you cannot do. (b)Can know about how dogs and other animals help people and try to introduce the things they do to others (c)Can fill in the blanks with “can” and “can’t” correctly.
  2. Language skill target:(1) Words:
  Listen and say: blind / useful/ show/ presenter
  Listen, read and say: blind / useful/ show/ presenter
  Listen, read, say and write: blind / useful/ show
  (2) Sentences:Listen, read and say: This man is blind. His dog can help him. / Can Fifi help the blind people? / No, he can’t. He only wants to play.
  Listen, read, say and fill in the blanks with “can, can’t”:
  Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he can’t.
  3. Study tactics:(1) Use “can” and “can’t” to describe things you can do and you cnnot do. (2) To know what animals can do and cannot do.
  4. Sensibility:(1) Love animals, know well about their abilities.(2) Love English, can talk about animals with others in English.
  教學重难点Teaching Difficulty &Focus 1. Look, listen and say the words: blind / useful/ show/ presenter 2. Look, listen and say the sentences: This man is blind. His dog can help him. Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he can’t. He only wants to play.
  Difficult points:1. Pronounce the words: useful, show, blind, presenter 2.Ask and answer the questions: Can…? Yes,…can./ No,…can’t.   教學方法:Teaching Method group work, pair work, TPR, guessing game, look and say
  教学准备Teaching Preparation 1. Make some word cards.2. Make a courseware about this module.3. Write some sentences on the blackboard.4. Use CD—ROM about this lesson.
  教学过程Teaching Procedure Warming up:1. Let’s sing! (I can’t do it. / Can you play very well?)2. Free talk. T(Show a photo of Ms Zheng.): Hello, boys and girls. I’m from Fujian Experimental Primary School. Ms Zheng can do many things. Can you guess? S1: Ms Zheng can cook. S2: Ms Zheng can swim… T: Maybe. But I can’t do all this things in the pictures. I’m sorry.But Ms Zheng likes many things. Guess! S3: Ms Zheng likes apples. / sports. / animals. T: Great! You are clever. I like animals. Animals are our good friends. Do you like animals? Ss: Yes! T: I have a video about animals. Let’s have a look. What can the animals do?
  Presentation and practice:1. Watch the video about animals. (the cat and the parrot) T: In the video, what can the animals co? S1: The cat can… The parrot can…
  2. Task-setting: T: Great! Today we will talk about special animals and have a circus show. Part A and Part B You should be a nice presenter. You should speak loudly and watch carefully. Be very confident. Do you want to try? (Show the assessment.) T: You know, in the circus there are so many animals. Dogs, pandas, birds. What’s your favourite animal? S1: My favourite animal is…T: Can you guess what’s Ms Zheng’s favourite animal? S2: Dogs! T: Right! I like dogs very much because dogs are…(PPT)(clever/ cool/ cute/ helpful)
  3. Watch the CD—ROM and chant. (Text Activity 1.) T: There’s a chant about dogs. Let’s chant! T: Look, there’s a TV show about dogs. Watch carefully and think: How is the dog? What can the dog do?
  4. Watch the CD—ROM about text. (The first 2 sections) T: What’s the matter with the man? S1: He can’t see. T: He is blind.(Show the word “blind” on the blackboard.)
  5. Teach the word “blind”. (1) This man is_________. But he can___________. T: Who wants to come here? (A student come to the front and be a blind people.) T: This boy can’t see. Who can help him? T: You are helpful child. What about the dog? S1: This dog can help the blind people. (Show the sentences” The special dog is______. It can______.” on the blackboard.)
  6.Watch a video about some special dogs. T: You know in our daily life some dogs are really special. They can do a lot. They can help a lot. I have a video about special dogs. Do you want to have a look? Try to remember what can the special dogs do? T: What can the special dogs do? Ss: They can play basketball. / carry the basket / open the door / work with the policemen / look after babies / help firemen… T: (Show the pattern cards on the blackboard.) Now let’s try to describe the special dog as a presenter in your group. Let’s see who can talk about it well. Which group want to show?   7. Learn the text about Fifi.T: Look, who is it? Oh, it’s Fifi. How is Fifi? Can Fifi help the blind people? Please watch the CD—ROM and think. (1) Watch the CD—ROM about the text. (Fifi) (2) Ask and answer:How is Fifi? Can Fifi help the blind people?(Show the card on the blackboard: Fifi is____. He can_______.) (3) Guess: What can Fifi do? T: In our daily life, many people like to keep dogs as pets at home. They like to play with them. How is Fifi? What can Fifi do? Can you guess? (Two pictures about Fifi.) Ss: Fifi can stand on two legs. / play the piano. T: I want to have a look which pair is the best presenters.
  在研读教材的过程中,从功能的角度提炼出“special”这个话题,对文本进行了分段处理。让学生了“special dog”和“pet dog”的区别。以“评选最佳主持人”为任务主线和评价手段,从一开始贯穿到任务的完成,使学习内容语境更为完整、语量更为丰富,逻辑更为清晰。学生得以在巩固can的句型过程中感知“How can the special dogs help the people?”
【摘 要】阅读作为开拓人文视野,丰富人文精神,塑造独立人格和促进人生成长的一种有效方式,历来受到人们的极度重视。古今中外的大思想家、学者、作家,无一不是在大量的阅读中汲取丰富的营养来充实自己。然而,作为最应该阅读的群体,学生的阅读情况却十分令人担忧。这里以我校疏勒校区高二(1)部学生为例来说明。  【关键词】苍白阅读 现状 成因 建议  一、阅读现状  古今中外,众多博学鸿儒之士对于阅读都有自己独
一本好书,会带领学生遨游瑰丽多姿的知识海洋;一本好书,会引导学生探索古今中外的无数奥秘;一本好书,会帮助学生明辨是非、分清美丑。给学生图书、给学生时间、给学生方法,让学生与好书交上朋友。好书是孩子心灵世界的阳光,没有什么比好书带给孩子的快乐更温馨、更持久。作为一名教育工作者,我一直关注培养学生良好阅读的好习惯。  一、培养学生阅读兴趣  都说兴趣是最好的启蒙老师,有了兴趣,学生就会主动去读书。那么
【摘 要】西藏作为高海拔地区。整个地区的文化素养不高,封闭落后让教师的素质不高。然而,作为思品教师的我们,为学生传授思想品德常識的目的不是为了让学生机械的记住一些现有的理论,而是要他们结合自己的生活实际,利用教材中的思想品德观点、方法和理论去分析问题、解决问题,从而使他们树立正确的人生观、价值观、世界观。要达到这一目的,其有效的措施在于合理优化课堂教学结构,大胆的改革传统的教学模式,积极渗透新的教
针对农村小学的数学现状,我们既要重视基础,也不能放弃对能力的要求,要切实提高农村小学数学的教学质量,我个人认为,从教师本身上说,要注重自身的素质的发展;在教学中,教师要根据学生的具体情况,把握好教学目标,灵活应用教学方法,让学生更轻松地掌握数学知识。最后通过有效的练习与反馈,促使学生能够不断地进步。  一、农村小学数学课堂的现状  1、学生的数学学习情况。学好数学对于每个小学生来说有着深远而重要的
写文章的人用文字表达思想感情,读者看到的却远远超越了平面的文字,他们靠想象,把文字变成立体的画面,所以,作文中的声音、颜色、气味、变化和对比就显得格外重要了。  好的厨师除了煮出一道道的美食外,还要懂得引起食客的食欲,让看到的人会想要吃,吃的人会满意。因此,厨师花心思处理食物的摆设,也让食物看起来色、香、味具全。  1、声音  你可以想象看默片的感觉吗?没有了声音与色彩,效果一定大打折扣。 在一篇
本文就当前藏区藏族中学数学教学难点的现状及成因作了深层次的分析,汉语障碍是藏区中学生学习数学难的主要原因。从而提出了改进藏区数学教学的针对性措施,以适宜藏区数学教学等观点。  一、藏族中学数学教学的难点  (一)学生数学基础差,接受能力有限。藏区藏族中学学生,绝大多数都来自边远的高原纯牧区或半农半牧区,成长于文盲或半文盲的家庭,水平参差不齐,相差悬殊,差生面大。  (二)方法不很科学,数学兴趣不浓