Outdoor sports activities is an important form of kindergarten sports organization, which from the children’s hobbies, hobbies, ability, level of departure, providing more opportunities for free activities. The fun and freedom of their activities are conducive to giving play to young children’s initiative, initiative and creativity. In order to effectively optimize the quality of outdoor activities, I park in the exploration practice initially formed a diversified development of sports activities characteristics of the district, its environmental openness, rich content, children’s autonomy, frequent interpersonal and other special functions, Breaking the age and class boundaries of young children, expanding contacts and exchanges among young children, the ultimate goal of outdoor sports activities is not only to enhance young children’s physical fitness. The greater value lies in their ability to promote physical and mental development through the zoning of sports and the development of children’s physical and mental health Through harmonious development, we adopt four strategies to help young children influence each other and develop together in an autonomous process.