东北是我国的国防前哨,也是自然资源丰富的地方,日本、帝俄很早即对该地进行种种侵略活动。 1905年日俄战争后,日本从帝俄手里攫取了在我国东北的部分殖民权益,接管辽东半岛的旅大租借地和旅顺至长春的铁路,并从1907年起获得在其所属的铁路线上每公里不超过十五名驻兵的留守权。从此日本侵略军开始长驻我国东北的内陆地区。1919年4月12日,日本在旅顺成立了关东军司令部。随着我国北伐战争的初步胜利以及二十年代末期世界资本主义经济危机的到来,日本帝国主义趁机加快了侵占我国东北的步伐。1927年6月和8月,日本田
Northeast China is a national outpost for defense and also a place rich in natural resources. Japan and the Soviet Union and Russia ruled all kinds of aggression early on. After the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, Japan seized some of the colonial rights and interests in the northeast of our country from the hands of the imperial Russia and took over the Luda property in Liaodong Peninsula and the railway from Lushun to Changchun. From 1907 onward, No more than fifteen people left behind in the station. Since then, the Japanese aggressor troops have been stationed in the hinterland of northeast China. On April 12, 1919, Japan established the Kwantung Army Command in Lushun. With the initial victory of our Northern Expedition and the arrival of the global capitalist economic crisis in the late twenties, Japanese imperialists took the opportunity to speed up the pace of encroaching upon our country’s northeast. June 1927 and August, Japan Tian