
来源 :冷战国际史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lixuhai88888
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本文以1947年春为分水岭,将第二次国共内战分为前后两个时期,对大连的中共政权与苏军之间的经济合作的实际开展情况进行考察,着力从经济合作的层面来把握中苏两者关系的结构性特点。自1945年10月至1947年春为止,大连的中共政权同苏军在经济合作方面尚未形成合作关系。不仅如此,在围绕如何接受处理日本企业留下的资产方面,双方之间矛盾重重,分歧不断。1947年春之后,国民政府的接收大连的一系列交涉活动的最终失败,反而促进了中共与苏军之间的经济合作的形成。双方之间的经济合作以中苏合办企业的形式逐渐进入正轨。但是值得注意的是,围绕如何利用大连的工业经济资源,中共与苏军之间始终存在着深刻的经济利益冲突。一方面,苏军着力优先本国的经济重建,而另一方面,对当时的中共旅大而言,同国民党的军事斗争高于一切,因此在大连的经济工作一度完全以支援前线为重心。双方各自的切实的利益诉求,增大了互相间的利益调整的难度。考察这个阶段的中苏之间的经济合作,我们会发现,两者间的利益冲突的爆发与解决,一直受到中共与苏军的力量关系以及中共内部的意见分歧等多种要素的影响,很多的情况下,问题的解决往往仅是双方间临时磋商和一时妥协的结果,双方间既没能将解决方式规范化,也没有形成一种健全的利益冲突解决机制。这一点,对考察日后在全国范围内如火如荼展开的中苏间的经济合作有一定的启示作用。 Taking the spring of 1947 as a watershed, this article divides the second KMT-CPC civil war into two periods. It examines the actual situation of the economic cooperation between the Chinese Communist regime and the Soviet Union in Dalian, concentrates on grasping the cooperation between China and the Soviet Union The structural characteristics of the relationship between the two. From October 1945 to the spring of 1947, the CCP’s regime in Dalian has not yet formed a cooperative relationship with the Soviet Union in economic cooperation. Not only that, there are still many conflicts and disagreements about how to accept the assets left over from Japanese companies. After the spring of 1947, the final failure of the Kuomintang government’s acceptance of Dalian’s series of negotiation activities instead promoted the formation of economic cooperation between the CPC and the Soviet Army. The economic cooperation between the two sides has gradually come to a track in the form of a Sino-Soviet joint venture. However, it is worth noting that there has always been a profound conflict of economic interests between the CPC and the Soviet Union around how to utilize Dalian’s industrial economic resources. On the one hand, the Soviet Union made every effort to prioritize the economic reconstruction of its own country. On the other hand, the military struggle with the Kuomintang was above all else for the then LLL of the CPC. Therefore, the economic work in Dalian was once completely focused on supporting the frontline. The respective practical interest demands of both parties have increased the difficulty of adjusting the interests of each other. In examining the economic cooperation between China and the Soviet Union at this stage, we find that the outbreak and settlement of conflicts of interest between the two parties have always been affected by many factors, such as the power relations between the CPC and the Soviet Union and the differences of opinion within the CPC. The solution to the problem is often only the result of interim consultations and temporary compromises between the two sides. Nor has it been possible for both parties to standardize their solutions and to establish a sound conflict-of-interest resolution mechanism. This point has some enlightenment on the economic cooperation between China and the Soviet Union that will be conducted in full swing nationwide after the inspection.
编辑同志:  三个月前,搬运工刘某根据公司指派,用板车送货时,由于载货太重,遇上坡路段无法翻越,适逢我步行经过,遂恳请我义务帮助推车。当车行至半坡处,刘某肩上的牵绳突然断裂,导致
编辑同志:  我原是一家公司的职工。工作轻松、稳定,但工资不高。四个月前,朋友李某向我提出共同创业的建议,并表示已经寻得好项目且一定能赚大钱。考虑到自己确实需要更多的钱