金秋时节,很多校园里都燃起了运动的激情,此起彼伏的加油呐喊声响彻操场。一场运动会,从备战、比赛、报道到总结,会给同学们留下很多难忘瞬间。这一次,你来当名记者,记下那些镜头吧。来稿请于2016年7月15日前投到邮箱[email protected],自拟文题,体裁不限,邮件主题注明“校园运动会速写”。
Autumn season, many of the campus are lit sports passion, one after another come on cheer saluting the playground. A Games, from preparing for, competitions, reports to the conclusion, will give students a lot of memorable moments. This time, you come to be a reporter and write down those shots. Please submit the manuscript to [email protected] on or before July 15, 2016. Any questions you may have about your topic, genre is not limited, and the subject of the email should be marked with “Campus Sports Sketching”.