托马斯·沃尔夫是美国著名的短篇小说家。The Child By Tiger是他的代表作之一,它充分反映了人类社会黑暗和邪恶的一面。The Child By Tiger中的艺术技巧的运用独具匠心,尤为突出的是选词的恰当。本文首先介绍了The Child By Tiger一书的主要内容.其次,主要从四个方面分析了作者托马斯·沃尔夫在这篇小说中运用的写作技巧1)标题2)主人公迪克以及他的朋友罗纳德人名的选择3)迪克使用的语言4)猫和老虎
Thomas Wolf is a famous American short storyteller. The Child By Tiger is one of his masterpieces, which fully reflects the dark and evil side of human society. The Child By Tiger’s artistic skills in the use of unique originality, the most prominent is the appropriate choice of words. This article first introduces the main content of The Child By Tiger.Secondly, I analyze the author’s writing skills in this novel mainly from four aspects: 1) Title 2) The protagonist Dick and his friend Luo Nader name choice 3) Dick language 4) cats and tigers