Book Review of Politicians and Rhetoric: The Persuasive Power of Metaphor

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  【Abstract】: Politicians and Rhetoric: The Persuasive Power of Metaphor written by Jonathan Charteris-Black is a valuable book to study speaking persuasively by using rhetoric, metaphors in particular. Corpus analysis is adopted and gives more credibility to the book. Many well-known politicians arranged in chronic order are discussed in the book. This paper aims to give a review on the book.
  【Key words】: book review; rhetoric; politicians
  1. Introduction
  1.1 Background
  This book is written by Jonathan Charteris-Black who is a professor of linguistics and is famous for his critical analysis of metaphors and speeches. His concrete and thorough analysis of metaphors contributes to the development of studies in rhetoric. This is the second edition of his book Politician and Rhetoric, in which Barack Obama, Enoch Powell and Ronald Reagan are three added features. Therefore, a compile of nine politicians who have shown great talent in their ability to persuade has been produced. They are Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Enoch Powell, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Clinton, Tony Blair, George Bush, Barack Obama. Their rhetorical use of language is characterized by a central topic. This topic is the clue for carrying on the analysis. The relationship between rhetoric and persuasion is the main concern of this book.
  1.2 The values
  The analysis of politicians’ use of rhetoric through public speaking is of great help for people to know how they convey their ideas persuasively and how to judge the ideas objectively. In addition, great figures created the history to an extent and analysis of their strategies in conveying the ideas or their beliefs helps readers learn something about foreign history. Readers can get hints on how to combine the language with specific situations and with personal background powerfully in order to achieve certain goals and exert great influence on others.
  When you read the book, it is more like that you are reading the vividly portrayed sketches of several great figures in the history of politics. This book is an extraordinary painting of nine figures with specific portrait of their political performances and preferences of language use through detailed explanation of how they employ certain strategies in achieving their political goals and ambitions. This book also reflects the width and depth of the writer’s knowledge and his abilities to make connections between history, culture, personality and power.   2. Contents
  This book explores the relationship between use of language and political power and influence of politicians. Each politician is represented with a particular myth according to their own use of language in pursuing the goals. The contents of this book are divided into four parts.
  The first part is chapter 1. It is an introductive chapter which makes links between rhetoric and persuasion in speech making of speakers. The book follows conceptual metaphor theory proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) to find the correspondences between the literal senses of words and how they can be used as metaphors. The second part is chapter 2. Chapter 2 demonstrated how metaphor contributes to political communication. Some typical examples are discussed here like “The Nation Is A Family”. Ideas of the national family are persuasive because the family symbolizes a source of security, and contributes to the impression that a politician has the right intention. By this association, such metaphors have ideological potential because they evoke ideas. The expectations about meanings vary between individuals but may be socially influenced. Audiences need to know how to analyze metaphors critically from identification, interpretation to explanation.
  The third part is from chapter 3 to chapter 11; the fourth part is chapter 12 which is the overview and summary of metaphors and its magic power in arousing political effects.
  2.1 Chapter three to eleven
  Chapters from chapter three-eleven illustrated how some of the most rhetorically successful British and American political leaders have exploited metaphors and myths for the persuasive communication. There are two appendixes for each politician, one for their speech corpus and the other for their metaphors classified by type/source domain. Their characteristics and preferable way of expressing their ideas are shown. For each politician, the writer names them with an adjective plus a myth. Then the author explains the reason between the politicians and the myths which they match clearly and strongly.
  2.1.1 Metaphors
  Analysis of metaphors involves corpus analysis. The metaphors are classified according to their source domains and then typical social values added to the domains are identified. Their political beliefs are illustrated according to different types of metaphors. And readers can see great influence of their background on the preferred metaphors of politicians, such as the influence of former career as an actor on Ronald Reagan. From my point of view, the influences can be resorted to the following factors:    (1)Political factor: Winston Churchill; Tony Blair;
  (2)Social factor: Martin Luther King; Enoch Powell; George Bush;
  (3)Personal factor: Margaret Thatcher; Clinton; Barack Obama;
  (4)Career: Ronald Reagan.
  2.1.2 Strategies
  The second appendix of each person is worthwhile to explore deeply to identify the domains and the politicians’ strategies. The most commonly used strategies by Churchill are personification and metaphors of journeys, light and darkness and slavery. And Clinton also highlights the importance of spatial concepts in political discourse. For Martin Luther King, his strategies are repetition and communicating his moral vision. For Powell, he develops a wide range of rhetoric strategies and he uses popular phrases and expressions and also some narrative techniques. For Reagan, he focuses on providing a sense of optimism and hope in the society, which forms the basis for his rhetoric intention. For Obama, he combines his own dream with the American dream and he is good at activating schemes among audience and using parallelism to enforce his power of speech. His success attributes to his skillful use of language. And the blending analysis of certain metaphors impresses the readers on the specific links between small parts of a metaphor, from agent, patient, and action to result.
  3.1 The organization of the book is much appreciated
  The contents of this book are rich and the structure of this book makes it easier for readers to read. The structure of general to specific and then to general facilitate the reading and understanding process. And at the end of each chapter, it has a short summary that contains both the author’s opinion and a short review of this part, which provides us a second chance to know more about politicians.
  3.2 The analysis is subdivided
  To describe a person’s use of language and to make connections between his life and his words is a hard and enduring job. But by analyzing the language of each politician with subdivided focuses and topics, as a reader, I am lured and I have a clear mind of where I am led to and what characteristics are shown by these politicians.
  3.3 The writing clue is topic-oriented
  The writing is conducted by stating the myths, types of metaphors and its combinations with other strategies, which is easier for readers to follow and think deep about certain questions. In addition, personal style is outlined through each specific chapter.
  3.4 Too many examples make reading boring
  For one metaphor, there are too many examples which make the reading doll and not refreshing sometimes. And for different politicians, they may use similar metaphors though arrange them in different ways and in this circumstance, metaphor analysis will be more fascinating if it puts more emphasis on the comparison between different politicians instead of thorough explaining for every single politician regarding the similar metaphor.
  In a word, this is a book worthy of being read and you can get inspiration from it both about lives and societies from multiple perspectives in spite of occasional lengthiness.
  [1] Jonathan Charteris-Black. Politicians and Rhetoric: The Persuasive Power of Metaphor[M]. Palgrave MacMillan. 2011.
  [2] George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Metaphors We Live By[M]. University of Chicago Press. 1980.
  [3] 陳勇, 刘肇云. 隐喻政治与政治隐喻:论美国政治家的政治隐喻[J]. 外语教学. 2009.
【摘要】:《曼斯菲尔德庄园》反映了简·奥斯汀作为女性作家逐渐成熟和完整的女性独立意识。女性意识是西方女性主义文学批评理论的核心。作品不仅对女性命运做出了独特的思考和关注,而且从现实角度给女性指出了自我成长的道路。小说全方位、多层面体现了女作家觉醒的女性意识,为后来的女性文学起到启蒙作用。  【关键词】:简·奥斯汀;《曼斯菲尔德庄园》; 女性意识  一、范妮形象中体现出的女性独立意识  《曼斯菲尔德
心中有德,才能涵容万物。故“自天子以至于庶人,壹是皆以修身为本。”中国文化的根本特点,便是以德为本。孟子在立德问题上,高标高举,不遗余力,多有建树。在孟子眼里,立德确实是个功夫活。  古人尚德源远流长。“德”之古字即为“悳”,意思是说“直心为德”。 我们的先贤远在周朝之始就认识到一个道理:“天命靡常。”(《诗经》)天命是会被别人革掉的。《尚书》为此总结了一个真理:“皇天无亲,惟德是辅。”因此周人不
【摘要】:结合政治文化的概念和叶弥的部分小说,挖掘作家隐藏在文本背后的政治认知和对政治价值的评价,分析作家作品中的文化反思。叶弥以冷漠而温情、俯视而亲近的姿态在文本中书写出对政治文化的理解,她冷酷的记录着“文革”时期政治对于人性的残害,批判着追逐权力者的丑恶嘴脸,隐含作者对于遭受政治迫害压者和被权力牵制者的批判和同情。  【关键词】:政治;文化;叶弥;权利  一、政治对人的迫害  叶弥作品笼罩着政
【摘要】:沈从文的《边城》以恬静平和的方式,散文化的优美笔调,如诗般的意境,表现了一种优美、健康、自然而又不悖乎人性的人生形式,“湘西世界”的人性美得到了极大的表现。  【关键词】: 沈从文;《边城》;人性美  引言  《边城》是沈从文最负盛名的一部小说,也是他上世纪30年代的代表性作品,自发表以来很多评论文章层出不穷。这篇小说不仅描绘了一个清新、自然、令人憧憬向往的边城世界,而且也描写了生活其中
你赠予我一片夏天,而我却带给你整个秋天。可是秋天总会过去,我愿与你度过漫长的冬天。我想告诉你,我们的春天将不再遥远。  ——题记  我曾经对别人说,如果有一天我思念一个人到哭,那一定是我最脆弱的时候,可是今天我哭了,但我很幸福,幸福的有些难过……  我感谢48年前的今天,因为在这一天,你出现在外婆的视线之中,在那个重男轻女的时代,你顽强地活了下来,于是有了孕育我的载体。20年前,我并不是那么顺利的