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  【Abstract】Sin is something society has had to deal with since human being has known evil. Everyone sins to a degree. Some people may embrace it, some may hide it. Different attitudes may lead to different results. In The Scarlet Letter, there are two attitudes. As for Hester Prynne, she admits her sin and accepts the punishment. She finally frees from it and is honored as an Angel. By contrast, Dimmesdale shows hypocrisy and cowardice because of his social status. His denial of sin leads to his death at last.
  【Key words】sin; honesty; bravery; hypocrisy; cowardice
  The masterpiece The Scarlet Letter tells us a story which happened in New England. An aging English scholar sends his beautiful wife, Hester Prynne by name, to make their new home in New England. When he comes over two years later he is wildered to see his wife in pillory, wearing a scarlet letter A which means “Adultery” in her breast, holding her illicit child in her arms. Determined to find out her lover, the old scholar disguises himself as a physician. Gradually he discovers that the villain is no other than the much-admired brilliant young clergyman Arthur Dimmesdale. Tormenting himself ruthlessly for his sin, Dimmesdale cuts himself off from the outside world and withers spiritually as well as physically. Even though she was punished severely, Hester Prynne does her best to reestablish her fellowship with her neighbors on an honest and kind basis and finally wins their love and admiration. At one time, she plans to escape with Dimmesdale, but finally her plan is destroyed by her husband. In the end, Dimmesdale dies in Hester’s arms, confessing his sin at a public gathering.
  In the book, the author shows two attitudes towards sin. One is to be frank, with the representative of Hester Prynne. Just as the author says:” The Scarlet Letter was her passport into region where other women dared not to tread” A burning blush, a haughty smile, a glance that would not be abashed, Hester comes out from the prison and into our eyes. Here Hester is portrayed as an aristocratic and beautiful young woman who meets her sentence with dignity and courage. Anyone who reads it may not imagine that the young lady is going for a punishment but for a party. However, if you are a sensitive observer, you can observe that there is something exquisitely painful in her heart. She just bears the weight on her sin deeply within her conscience. At this time, we may say that she is not mature enough. She is a little stubborn and it is the stubbornness supports her bravery. It is our human beings’ nature that there is a provision the sufferer should never know the intensity of what she endures by its present torture, but briefly by the time when the sufferings ends, she may feel the pain. Hester is now on the position. Once she has to go back to normal life, she may lose the “courage” to face it. The one who can really endure the torture of everyday life will be the real winner of life. Is Hester the real winner?   She decides not to leave the town. As a Puritan, she can not get rid of the influence of Puritan thoughts. In accordance with Puritan’s standard, she sins, just as she says, there has been the place of her guilt and there should be the place of her earthly punishment. She lives in a small cottage which lies on the outskirts of the town and is not in close vicinity to any other habitation. In order to earn a living for herself and her little thriving infant, she makes good use of her only ability—needlework. Her needlework turns out to be marvelous and becomes a kind of fashion in the town. She serves the society with her own hand, but the people who are the objects of her bounty often refuse the hand that is stretched forth to help them. Every gesture, every word and even the silence of those with whom she comes in contact implies and often expresses that she is banished by the whole society. However, Hester never responds to those attacks. From here, we know that Hester is growing psychologically. Because, as a Puritan, she thinks she sins and she has to accept the punishment. From another aspect, she also knows that it is no good to provoke the society;otherwise she will get nothing but more separation and loneliness.
  She never battles with the public, but submits uncomplainingly to the worst treatment. She interferes neither with public nor with individual interests. She just earns daily bread for her little child and herself by faithful labor of her hand. Years has come and gone, Hester’s position changes. So much helpfulness is found in her that many people refuse to interpret the scarlet letter “A” by its original meaning, they say it means “able”. At this time, for Hester, her life has turned out to be different. She is mature enough to deal with different kinds of relationship and complicated social psychologies. We may say that Hester is free from her sin at last.
  In contrast with Hester Prynne, another hero in the novel is Dimmesdale, coward and hypocritical. He is a clergyman who is supposed to embody morality. Everyone idolizes him as he is closest to God in their community. Ironically, the fact is he commits adultery with Hester, a married Puritan young woman and impregnates her. Dimmesdale is a brilliant clergyman. His religious faith supports him and also confines him within the iron framework. As is known to all, sexual relationship is one of the most shunned sins for Puritans. Dimmesdale obviously knows that he violates the religious taboo and his action is against God’s will and God will not forgive him. Once he thinks here he puts his hands on his breast and his face becomes pale. Since there is cowardice in his personality, he has no courage to do as Hester does;the only way for him is to flee away from his sin. Another reason for him to do so comes from his position and fame. He is respected by people in the town and is afraid of admitting his sin. It is the theory that people are always afraid of being judged in a bad way, so if a person does something sinful he will deny his sin to protect their reputation especially those famous persons. Dimmesdale can’t accept the potential consequences of being exiled or killed. His dignity of being a noble man prevents him.   As a result, he commits another sin. He strives to put a cheat upon himself by making the avowal of a guilty conscience and pretends to be excellent in public. Every time in order to release his pain and not expose his identity of a sinned person, he repents and forms the habit of using double meaning words. On the one hand, he hopes to confess his sin to his audience. On the other hand, he is afraid of being found guilty. He uses his identity of a clergyman to make his speech in a specific manner and arouses sympathy and forgiveness from the audiences, which makes him more popular. His confession of sin is always misunderstood. People even regard his speech as the explanation of the origin of sin and respect him more than before. Dimmesdale lives in a dilemma. He has exhausted himself spiritually and physically. Sometimes he traps into the state. When he looks upwards to the sky, he thinks that there is an immense letter A. Since he can not endure the burden and doesn’t have enough courage to accept the challenge of common social customs, he is broken down and chooses death to release himself. He died selfishly, breaking Hester’s last dream and leaving her alone to bear the pain.
  In the book, Hawthorne creates a child Pearl who is the symbol of Hester’s public punishment of her adultery. However, the author arranges a good future for the obstinate and unruly girl to inherit the fortune of Chillingworth and to marry into a noble family in Europe. A question should be raised here:why the descendant of the sinners can lead a happy life?The author may want to transform such information to readers:the born of Pearl is to redeem the world. She represents a kind of freedom and pursuit for true love. He offers us a prediction that where will be a society where people can shake off the yoke of the common ethical code to pursue the things what they want. In fact, there is no fault in Hester and Dimmesdale’s love. But why does the author arrange two completely different results for them?
  The answer lies in their different attitudes towards sin. Hawthorne demonstrates in his novel that people who can face their sin frankly can free from it, those who covers sin inside will end up with misery. So, do just as the author calls for:” Be true! Be true! Be true!”
  [1]American Literature Root and Flower.Annette T·Rubinstein.Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.1997.4
  [2]An Introduction to American Literature.Fred Medpiex.He Nan University Press.1985
  [3]Journal of Sichuan International Studies University. 2002.6.Vol.18 No.4.
  [4]The Scarlet Letter.Nathaniel Hawthorne.Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group.1986.
  [5]Foreign Literature.July,2003,No.4.
【摘要】思维导图是帮助人们培养、锻炼发散性思維的一种途径,也是一种有效记忆的方法,如今已被运用于教育领域。英语写作是学生比较容易提分的部分,却也是难拉分的部分,如何运用思维导图让高中的英语写作变得更加简单实用,是本文主要讨论的问题。  【关键词】思维导图 高中英语写作 应用  引言  英语一向是国人头疼的科目,教育改革后,虽然在高考时加入了平时分的计算,但语数外还是必考科目。未来英语写作可能要将分
【摘要】高校校名是一所高校的“名片”,做好高校校名的英译有助于向世界展示着自身的形象,加强对外交流合作。目前我国高校校名英译存在很多问题,本文针对华中地区多所本科高校的英文校名进行了调查,出现了很多不规范的高校英译校名。针对种种问题提出了一些对策,建议对高校译名标准化管理,以确保各高校与外界的有效交流。  【关键词】高等院校校名 翻译 问题 对策  一、引言  随着经济全球化时代的到来,中国经济迅
【摘要】中职院校课堂激励对学生的全面发展有着特殊的意义。通过英语课程教学实践、思考及总结,教师逐渐深刻意识到课堂激励的价值,不仅可以帮助学生从心理上体验到自信与成功,而且对于学生学习兴趣的提升也同样有着重要的现实意义,值得我们给予应有的关注和重视。本文主要阐述结合中职英语学科的课程实践,分析课堂激励的妙用。  【关键词】中职英语教学 英语课堂 课堂激励  前言  英语学科教育已经成为当前影响中职院
【摘要】本研究以问卷形式对上海财经大学浙江学院2011级英语专业学生的毕业论文的写作情况展开调查,结果发现有将近半数的学生不能正确认识毕业论文写作的重要性,并有相当数量的调查对象在论文选题、文献查阅、论文撰写等多方面存在明显的问题,调查结果显示学生希望得到相应的引导和帮助。在此调查基础上反思问题产生的原因,并提出了相应的改进建议。  【关键词】独立学院 英语专业 毕业论文写作 建议  一、引言  
【摘要】自新课改实施以来,教育的各个方面均有了重大突破,其中包括课程目标、内容与评价,而这与新课改所坚持的全新理念有很大关系,由此也对广大英语教师提出了越来越高的要求。近年来,英语中考试题改革正在如火如荼的进行着,继而也在一定程度上增加了阅读量。若要促进英语教学有效性的提高,就必须将影响阅读教学的主要原因给找出来,采取有效措施,保证英语阅读教学的顺利实施。  【关键词】新课程 阅读教学 阅读能力 
【摘要】词汇是语言的基本单位,词汇教学是英语教学的基础。词汇有着丰富的语义,在具体的语境里表现为具体独特的词义和表现力,也只有在具体的语境里才能够真正培养他们的运用能力。创设适宜的应用情境,在积累词汇的基础上培养学生的英语思维,感知中西文化,锻炼英语表达和交际能力,培养全面发展的高素质人才。  【关键词】初中英语 词汇教学 语境  词汇是语言的基本单位,是构成句子、语段、文章的最为基本的元素,词汇
【摘要】随着高校国际化的加速,越来越多的外籍教师被引进和聘请,其跨文化交际能力也日趋受到重视。本文从研究的背景和意义,以及影响外籍教师跨文化交际的因素,并结合自身管理经验,从开展语言文化的培训、加强交流沟通和開展多元文化体验等方面,对提高高校外籍教师跨文化交际能力进行思考和探索。  【关键词】高校 外籍教师 跨文化交际能力  外籍教师作为高校“引智”重要对象和国际资源,对于高校开放办学、外语教学、