口供在诉讼证据中的地位呈现出一种由低到高再逐渐降低的过程 ,反映了刑事诉讼证据制度由愚昧到科学、从野蛮到人道的不断发展进化的过程。各国关于口供可采性的规定大体分为两类 :其一、确认口供为法定证据 ,但必须加以限制 ;其二、认为口供不是法定证据 ,只有在特定情况下才能在诉讼中作为证据使用。我国应加强对口供证据地位及建立口供可采性规则的研究。
The status of oral confession in litigation evidence presents a process of descending from low to high and gradually decreases, which reflects the continuous evolvement of evidence system of criminal procedure from ignorance to science and from barbarism to humanity. In general, the provisions of the State on the admissibility of confessions fall into two categories: first, confessions are recognized as statutory evidence, but they must be restricted; second, confessions are not considered as statutory evidence and should only be used as evidence in litigation in specific cases. Our country should strengthen the research on the evidence status and the establishment of the rules of the cusharability.