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  In the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, “anxiety” is defined as “the state of being nervous or worried that something bad is going to happen”. This article will mainly discuss the reasons why interpreters should keep at an appropriate anxiety level from a psychological and scientific perspective, what exactly give rise to interpreters’ anxiety, and how to tackle anxiety problems accordingly.
  Reasons Why Interpreters Should Keep at an Appropriate Anxiety Level When Interpreting

I. A Specific Observation of the Performances of Interpreters of CI

  According to the theory of Chinese psychologists Chen Shunsen (陈顺森) and Tangdanhong (唐丹红), anxiety has three different levels: higher anxiety, medium anxiety and lower anxiety. Based on this theory, an experiment was conducted by Tang Zhifeng (唐志峰), and it at last turned out that participants (interpreters of CI) who were at the medium anxiety level reacted most swiftly and had least mistakes, while participants who were at higher anxiety or lower anxiety level had relatively worse performance (translated by Cao Jin). It is evidently shown that anxiety has great impact on interpreters’ performances. So keeping at an appropriate anxiety level is essential for interpreters as far as their performances are concerned.

II. From a More General Psychological Perspective

  Having finished the analysis of the influence that anxiety can exert on interpreters’ performances, we now need to figure out what more horrible consequences anxiety may bring about. As Michael R. Manning points out in his paper Occupational Stress: Its Causes and Consequences for Job Performance, anxiety may lead to less “interpersonal sensitivity” and make people less “altruism”, which are even detrimental to a person’s interpersonal relationships. In this sense, attention should be paid to an appropriate anxiety level.
  Major Factors of Anxiety in Interpreting
  An Integrated Survey of Anxiety in Interpreting
  A present study aimed to design a new scientific scale for anxiety in interpreting is conducted by Dong Yanpin(董燕萍),Chen Huanpeng(陳焕鹏),Yu Zhibin(余志斌). In order to test the construct validity of the scale, four criteria are concerned: self-efficacy, trait anxiety, foreign language listening anxiety and foreign language speaking anxiety. It turns out that among the four criteria, anxiety in interpreting has a high correlation with foreign language listening as well as speaking. Indeed, the correlation between anxiety in interpreting and foreign language listening is the highest, followed by that between anxiety in interpreting and foreign language speaking.


  1.Focus on Listening
  From what have been demonstrated above, it is not difficult for us to find out that anxiety of listening plays a prominent role in anxiety of interpreting. To solve the anxiety problems in interpreting, we must focus on keeping the anxiety of listening at an appropriate level at first.
  2.How to Reduce the Anxiety of Listening Theoretically
  As the difficulty in respect of listening that most interpreters face is the higher anxiety instead of lower anxiety, so keeping the anxiety of listening at an appropriate level is approximately equal to reducing the anxiety of listening. In the survey conducted by Zhang Xian (张宪) and Zhao Guanyin (赵观音), it concludes that anxiety of listening is a multi-dimensional problem. Listening anxiety, self-confidence in listening skills and students’ listening skills are closely related to each other. The anxiety level will dramatically decline with the improvement of students’ comprehension of the listening texts(translated by Cao Jin) This conclusion enlightens us that in order to reduce anxiety of listening when interpreting, interpreters need both build up their self-confidence of their own listening skills and make effort to improve their skills.
  3.How to Reduce the Anxiety of Listening Practically
  According to what we have analyzed above, special attention should be given to one’s confidence in his own listening as well as the improvement of his listening skills in practice.
  (1)Improvement of Listening Skills: Expansion of vocabulary
  Expansion of vocabulary is of vital importance for interpreting. As has been proved in Bi Xuefei(畢雪飞)’s paper Receptive Vocabulary Size and English Listening Comprehension of Tertiary — level Chinese Learners of English, receptive vocabulary size has much to do with one’s listening skills. It even shows that English listening relies more on the stock of one’s vocabulary than reading. So to expand vocabulary is undeniably essential.
  (2)Method of Building One’s Self-Confidence
  According to the findings of Zhang Xinyue(张馨月), confidence counts on both the students themselves and other people’s evaluations. In this sense, students should encourage each other when they study together, and they can also turn to their teachers who can encourage them for help on their own initiative.
  (3)Other Means: Special Classroom Atmosphere
  For students who major in interpreting, there is another way to deal with anxiety problem. Teachers can divide the classroom into different parts and let students choose their favored parts, which is beneficial for students’ reduction of anxiety in interpreting according to a study by Hua Liang(花亮) and Dai Huiping(戴惠萍).
  [6]张馨月.影响大学英语听力学习的因素[J].陕西师范大学学报, 2007(A2).
  [7]Michael R.Manning,Occupational Stress:Its Causes and Consequences for Job Performance,The American Psychological Association.
【摘要】文化负载词是语言中反映人类生活、承载文化信息的一类词语。文化负载词在美劇字幕中使用及其常见,能形象反映美国文化以及语言特色。如果翻译不准确,会直接影响观众的理解。本文选取美剧《破产姐妹》,结合影视字幕翻译特点,对两类文化负载词的翻译策略进行探讨,寻找合适的文化负载词翻译方法。  【关键词】文化负载词;字幕翻译;翻译策略  【Abstract】Culturally loaded words
【Abstract】The existence of “taboo” is ubiquitous in all cultures. Since language and culture are closely related to each other. This article aims to make a comparative study of taboos in gift-giving b