Achievable rate for three-node discrete memoryless relay channel with generalized feedbacks

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sephinroth
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This paper studies the achievable rate for three-node discrete memoryless relay channel.Specifically in this mode,we explore two generalized feedbacks simultaneously:the source node actively collects feedback signals from the channel;and at the same time,the destination node actively transmits feedback signals to the relay node.These two feedback signals,which are called generalized feedback overheard from the channel that is likely to be noisy,induce that all the three nodes are in full duplex mode.The basic coding strategies of Cover and El Gamal are applied to the relay-source feedback transmission by the source forwarding the compressions of the channel output sequences at the relay node to the destination,and are also applied to the destination-relay feedback transmission to improve the decoding ability at the relay.Based on Cover and El Gamal coding,a new coding scheme adopting rate splitting and four-block Markov superposition encoding is proposed and the corresponding achievable rate is achieved.The proposed scheme is able to exploit two feedbacks simultaneously which can effectively eliminate underlying transmission bottlenecks for the channels.The derived achievable rate result generalizes several previously known results by including them as special cases. This paper studies the achievable rate for three-node discrete memoryless relay channel.Specifically in this mode, we explore two generalized feedbacks simultaneously from the channel; and at the same time, the destination node early filed feedback signals to the relay node. These two feedback signals, which are called generalized feedback overheard from the channel that is likely to be noisy, urge that all the three nodes are in full duplex mode. The basic coding strategies of Cover and El Gamal are applied to the relay-source feedback transmission by the source forwarding the compressions of the channel output sequences at the relay node to the destination, and are also applied to the destination-relay feedback transmission to improve the decoding ability at the relay.Based on Cover and El Gamal coding, a new coding scheme adopting rate splitting and four-block Markov superposition encoding is proposed and the corresponding achievabl e rate is achieved. The proposed scheme is able to exploit two feedbacks simultaneously which can effectively eliminate underlying transmission bottlenecks for the channels. derived achievable rate result generalizes several previously known results by including them as special cases.
[摘 要]中学教育属基础教育,向学生传授知识固然重要,而培养他们的能力更重要。培养能力,要引导学生养成自学习惯和锻炼自学能力,逐步培养学生依据自己的经验,运用自己已有的历史知识,掌握一定的学习程序,去解决自己钻研的问题。学习的实质是内存的心理变化,不是外显行为的变化。加强思维训练就是教师在课堂教学中有意识地介入学生自身活动,在有“导向性”的指引下,使学生从起始状态的心理过渡封目标状态的心理。在外部
[摘 要]传统教学中,总是由教师实施评价,注重单纯的语言知识结构的考查,以考试为中心,忽视人文性,而新课程倡导开放,宽松和民主的评价氛围,关注学生综合语言运用能力的发展过程以及学习的效果,对学生的评价重激励、重发展、重能力,实现评价主体的多元化和评价形式的多样化。   [关键词]英语 教师 观念 转变  英语课堂教学是提高学生学习英语兴趣的重要途径,也是提高英语教学质量的关键。教师在课堂上如何教,
体育游戏是一种特殊的体育文化,教师只有在充分了解中学学生的特征、游戏特点、环境变化和设备器材等主要因素,合理选择好体育游戏,方可在体育教学中使学生更好地掌握运动技术,提高运动技能,最终达到身心全面健康发展的目的。科学合理地安排体育课中的游戏教学是非常适合初中体育课堂教学的。它不仅有益于学生的身心发展,也能提高体育课的教学质量,而且为学生今后的进一步发展打下了一个良好的基础。   一、体育游戏对教学
[摘 要]观察是学生认识客观世界、增长科学知识的重要途径,观察力是智力结构的重要组成部分。在教学中不难发现,越是观察力强的学生越能发现问题,因而容易产生好奇和解决问题的冲动。要在观察中培养学生的创新意识,就要教会学生有目的、有顺序、全面地观察事物。  [关键词]数学教学观察力培养方法探索  达尔文曾说过:“我能成为一个科学家,最主要的原因是:对科学的爱好;思索问题的无限耐心;在观察和搜集事实上的勤