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春光明媚的三月,星光达珠宝继成功推出“他她时代”系列后,再次挟势倾情推出“心主义”之“1+1宣言”系列,把“愿天下有情人终成眷属”的美好寓意溶入每一款首饰中,化作对爱情和婚姻的诚挚祝福。新的千年,大家都应该活得洒脱率性一点,活得更真实,更快乐,遵从自己内心的感觉,相信自己,相信爱,这就是星光达提倡的“心主义”。“1+1”,是心与心的碰撞,是心与心的交流,两个有缘人在一起。就会不由自主地进发出爱的心声,这就是爱的宣言——发自心底,遐彻云天,流传千年。狗年是适宜婚嫁的“双春兼闰月”的一年,憋了一年的情侣赶在今年开始扎堆。星光达珠宝适时为热恋中的人、为即将步入婚姻殿堂的新人们推出的一系列情侣、婚庆首饰“心主义”之“1+1宣言”系列,包括耳钉、耳坠、吊坠,从造型和工艺上进行突破,自由拆卸的设计,随自己的心情DIY,造型时尚大气,师法自然,看起来赏心悦目,拨动你的心弦……繁华喧闹的都市街角仿佛如寂寞天堂,两个驿动的心偶然交错。怎样才能谱写一曲温暖柔美的恋事。让爱在这特别的季节里芳香四溢?一对都会男女在一座集合全世界城市印象的大都市里寻觅、邂逅、相恋,留下无数次美丽的擦身而过,终于成为一场好莱坞式结局的爱情。与爱情有关……与承诺有关……,让心主义来见证他们的相遇、相识、相恋、相守……1+1=执手一见钟情执子之手他们彼此相信是瞬间进发的热情让他们相遇缘分将他们推近这样的确定是美丽的还记得这首波兰诗吗?一个很简单的爱情故事,简单到几乎感觉不到它的到处存在。爱情充满可能,百求不可得,瞬间光临,旋而散逸,继续充满可能。对,一定要相信自己的第一感觉,相信一见钟情是可能的,给自己一个机会。“执手系列”中时尚简约的产品针对年轻时尚的新人设计,以一种动感、轻盈和奔放的自由设计风格来表达年轻人的自主和个性化审美观。 In March, after the successful launch of “He She Era” series, Xingguangda Jewelry launched the “1 + 1 Declaration” series of “Heart Doctrine” once again to rejuvenate the “wish the world lovers get married” Implicit in every piece of jewelry, into a sincere love and marriage blessing. In the new millennium, everyone should become more and more free, more realistic and happier, follow his own inner feelings, believe in himself and believe in love. This is the “heartism” advocated by Xingguangda. “1 + 1” is the collision of heart and heart, is the exchange of heart and heart, two destined people together. It will involuntarily carry forward the voice of love, this is the declaration of love - from the bottom of my heart, over the sky, the spread of the Millennium. Year of the dog is suitable for marriage “double spring and intercalary month” a year, hold a year’s couple rushed to get together this year. Starlight jewelery timely for the people in love, is about to enter the marriage hall of new people launched a series of couples wedding jewelry “Heart” of the “1 + 1 Declaration” series, including earrings, earrings, pendants, from the modeling And craft on a breakthrough, free disassembly design, DIY with their own mood, modeling stylish atmosphere, natural method, looks pleasing, toggle your heart ... bustle and bustle of the city corner like a lonely paradise, Heart accidentally staggered. How to write a warm and tender love affair. Let love in this special season aroma overflow? A pair of urban and rural women in a collection of cities in the world impression of the metropolis looking for, encounter, fell in love, leaving countless beautiful pass, and finally become a Hollywood The ending of love. Related to love ... and promises ..., let the heart to witness their encounter, acquaintance, fell in love, keep ... ... 1 + 1 = handle at first sight love your hand they believe each other is the passion of the moment to start them Encounter fate push them closer Such a determination is beautiful Remember this poem? A very simple love story, as simple as almost feel it everywhere. Love is full of possibilities, never ask, instantaneous, spin and dissipate, continue to be full of possibilities. Yes, we must believe that our first feeling, I believe love at first sight is possible, give yourself a chance. “Handle” series of simple fashion products designed for young and trendy newcomers, with a dynamic, lightweight and free style of freedom to express young people’s independent and personalized aesthetic.
一个词汇有多种意义 ,这是任何一种民族语言中存在的普遍现象。在教学实践中发现 ,学生在做俄汉互译时容易步入一个“误区”。这个误区往往导致译文失准有误 ,而译者却不易察
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一、何谓省略句 1.省略句的定义: 英语句子中一个或更多的成分省去而保持句子原意不变的现象,称为“省略”(Ellipsis),这样的句子称为“省略句”(Elliptical Sentence)。请看例句: e.g.(1)(It) Serves him righ What is an abbreviation?